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短语 to sb's satisfaction
释义 to sb's satisfaction if something is done to someone's satisfaction, it is done as well or as completely as they want, so they are pleased使某人满意:•The question could not be resolved, at least not to my satisfaction.这难题无法解决,至少达不到让我满意的地步。to sb's satisˈfaction1if you do sthto sb's satisfaction,they are pleased with it使某人满意The affair was settled to the complete satisfaction of the client.问题解决了,顾客十分满意。2if you prove sthto sb's satisfaction,they believe or accept it使某人确信(或信服)Can you demonstrate to our satisfaction that your story is true?你能不能证实一下,让我们确信你说的是事实?SYNONYMS 同义词辨析satisfactionhappinesspridecontentmentfulfilmentThese are all words for the good feeling that you have when you are happy or when you have achieved sth.以上各词均指幸福、欣慰、满意的感觉和满足的心情。▫ satisfactionthe good feeling that you have when you have achieved sth or when sth that you wanted to happen does happen指取得成就、达到愿望时的满足、满意、欣慰:He derived great satisfaction from knowing that his son was happy.得知儿子很幸福他深感欣慰。▫ happinessthe good feeling that you have when you are happy指幸福、快乐:Money can't buy you happiness.金钱不能为你买到幸福。▫ pridea feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when you or people who are connected with you have done sth well or own sth that other people admire指自豪、骄傲、得意感:The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride.儿子毕业的情景让她充满了自豪。▫ contentment(rather formal) a feeling of happiness or satisfaction with what you have指对所拥有的一切感到满意、满足:They found contentment in living a simple life.他们在简朴的生活中得到满足。▫ fulfilmenta feeling of happiness or satisfaction with what you do or have done指对所做的事感到满意、满足:her search for personal fulfilment她对个人满足的追求satisfaction, happiness, contentment or fulfilment?用 satisfaction、happiness、contentment 还是 fulfilment?You can feelsatisfactionat achieving almost anything, small or large; you feelfulfilmentwhen you do sth useful and enjoyable with your life.Happinessis the feeling you have when things give you pleasure and can be quite a lively feeling;contentmentis a quieter feeling that you get when you have learned to find pleasure in things.取得成就(无论大小)时的满足用 satisfaction ;做了有益和令人愉快之事而感到满意时用 fulfilment ;某些事情给人带来快乐或欣慰用 happiness ;学会从事情中寻求快乐而得到恬静的满足则用 contentment。PATTERNSsatisfaction/happiness/pride/contentment/fulfilmentinsthrealsatisfaction/happiness/pride/contentment/fulfilmenttruesatisfaction/happiness/contentment/fulfilmentgreatsatisfaction/happiness/pridequietsatisfaction/pride/contentmenttofeelsatisfaction/happiness/pride/contentmenttobring sbsatisfaction/happiness/pride/contentment/fulfilmenttofindsatisfaction/happiness/contentment/fulfilment




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