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短语 travels
释义 travels pl.journeys to places that are far away, usually for pleasure旅行,旅游:on sb's travels•We met some very interesting people on our travels in Thailand.我们在泰国旅游时碰到一些非常有趣的人。 CHOICE travel, travelling, journey, trip, voyage, crossing, flight: Travel (uncountable noun) and travelling are used to mean the general activity of moving from place to place. travel(不可数名词)和 travelling 泛指从一个地方到另一个地方的旅行:•Air travel is becoming cheaper.乘飞机旅行越来越便宜。•Her work involves a lot of travelling.她的工作需要经常出差。 ► You do not say 'a travel'. 不要说 a travel。Use journey to talk about travelling a long distance or travelling regularly, when the emphasis is on the travelling itself.journey 指长途旅行或经常性的旅行,强调旅行本身:•a long and difficult journey (NOT travel) through the mountains一段艰难的山中长途跋涉•I read during the train journey to work.我坐火车去上班的途中会看书。•Did you have a good journey? (=Were you comfortable, was the train on time etc?)旅途顺利吗?A trip is when you go on a short journey, or a journey you do not usually make, and come back again.Use this when the emphasis is on where you are going or why you are going there. trip 是指短途往返的旅行,或指不常为之的旅行,强调目的地或出行原因:•my first trip to the States我的第一次美国之行•a business trip出差•Was it a good trip? (=Did you achieve what you wanted to or have a good time there?)旅行顺利吗?Voyage is used for a long sea 指长途海上旅行:•a voyage across the ocean穿越大洋的航程Crossing is used for a fairly short sea journey.crossing 指很短的海上旅程:•The crossing takes 90 minutes.旅程需要 90 分钟。Flight is used for a journey by air.flight 指乘飞机旅行:•Have a good flight!旅途愉快!




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