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短语 meet with
释义 meet with1. meet, usu. by accident(偶然)遇见   * In the woods, he met with two strangers. 在树林里他遇上了两个陌生人。   * I met with an old friend at the meeting. 我在会上碰到了一个老朋友。2. meet together, usu. by plan (按计划)约见   * The two scouts went to meet with the officers to talk about plans for the march. 两位侦察员前去会见军官,讨论行军计划。   * I met with him at the bus stop and together we went to dine at a restaurant. 我和他在汽车站碰头,然后一起去饭馆吃饭。3. experience 经历;遭受   * The farmer met with misfortune; storm. 这位农场主遭受了不幸,他的庄稼被一场暴风雨毁了。   * On every battle field the enemy met with defeat. 敌军在各个战场上都吃了败仗。4. agree with; be in accord with 符合(某种意见);获得(同意)   * The suggestion met with unanimous approval. 该项建议获得一致通过。   * The plan you submitted seems to meet with the committee's ideas on the subject. 你提出的计划似乎符合委员会对这个问题的主张。meet with1.偶遇;碰到:A young man met with an accident when he drove home after work.一位青年下班以后驾车回家时遭到意外事故。2. 与……会面:Our manager met with the chief accountant of an import and export corporation,talking about our cooperation with them in foodstuff export.我们经理跟一家进出口公司的总会计师会面,商谈我们在食品出口方面跟他们合作的问题。




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