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短语 sour grapes
释义 sour grapes used to say that someone is pretending that they dislike something because they want it but cannot have it – used to show disapproval酸葡萄〔指某人其实想要某物,但因得不到而装作不喜欢聊以自慰的心态,含贬义〕—sourly adv. —sourness noun U sour grapes used to refer to an attitude in which someone disparages or affects to despise something because they cannot have it themselves 酸葡萄心理(因为自己得不到就诋毁或蔑视某物)。 [ORIGIN: with allusion to Aesop's fable The Fox and the Grapes.] sour ˈgrapes(saying)used to show that you think sb is jealous and is pretending that sth is not important(表示某人表面贬低某事物,实则是嫉妒)酸葡萄He said he didn't want the job anyway, but that's just sour grapes.他说他其实并不想干这份工作,这不过是吃不着葡萄就说葡萄酸而已。




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