释义 |
rottedrot[rɔt]- vi.
- 腐烂:
All the peaches rotted on the tree. 所有的桃子都在树上烂掉了。 - 腐朽;破损:
The poor were housed in rotting buildings. 穷人都安置在破烂的建筑物中居住。 - 烂掉(常与off,away连用):
His teeth have rotted away and were black at the edges. 他的牙都腐蚀掉了,边上都变黑了。 - 憔悴;失去活力;衰败:
Without the reform of the economic management system our industry will rot. 没有经济管理体制的改革,我们的工业就会逐渐衰退。 - (精神上)腐败;腐化;堕落:
He was left to rot in prison. 任凭他在狱中苟延残喘。 - [英国俚语]开玩笑;说挖苦话:
He is only rotting. 他只是在开玩笑。
- vt.
- 使腐烂:
The rain has rotted the roof beam. 雨水使房梁逐渐腐朽。 - 使腐坏;使破损:
The cheap wine will rot your stomach. 劣质葡萄酒会伤胃。 - 使腐化;使堕落
- 使(麻等)沤软
- [英国俚语]嘲笑;挖苦:
I found that he was being rotted. 我发现他正在被人嘲弄。
- n.
- 腐烂
- 腐朽;破损
- 腐化;堕落
- 腐烂的东西
- (牛、羊等的)坏疽病;肝吸虫病
- (植物的)腐烂病
- [俚语]胡说;废话
- interj.
- 近义词:
decay - 短语:
- dry rot
- (植物)枯萎
- (道德、思想等)腐败;(社会、团体等)内部腐败
- Rot it! 糟糕!该死!
- talk rot 胡诌;胡说八道
- The(或A)rot sets in. 倒霉事接连不断发生;事情节节失利。