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短语 keep a weather eye on sth
释义 keep a weather eye on sth to watch a situation carefully so that you notice anything unusual or unpleasant密切注视,时刻警惕〔不寻常或令人不安的事情〕:•Keep a weather eye on your finances.要注意自己的经济状况。⇒make heavy weather of sth at HEAVY¹ (10) FOCUS WEATHER good weather好天气:sunny / fine used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of sunshine晴朗的nice / lovely / glorious very sunny and good天气晴好的▪ brightif the weather is bright, the sun shines strongly阳光强烈的there isn't a cloud in the sky the sky is completely clear天空晴朗无云▪ dryif the weather is dry, it does not rain不下雨的▪ fairsunny and not windy or rainy — used especially in weather forecasts晴朗无风的〔尤用于天气预报〕rain雨:wet / rainy / damp used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of rain雨水多的,下雨的▪ unsettledif the weather is unsettled, it keeps changing and it often rains天气多变的,经常下雨的▪ drizzlelight rain which consists of very small drops of water毛毛细雨▪ showera short period of rain阵雨downpoura short period when it suddenly rains very heavily 骤雨,暴雨 it's pouring down BrE/ it's pouring rain AmEit is raining very hard 在下暴雨 it's drizzling it is raining a little, with very small drops of rain在下小雨snow雪:▪ snowyused to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of snow下雪的▪ sleeta mixture of snow and rain雨夹雪▪ slusha mixture of partly melted snow and ice半融化的雪(冰),雪泥; 软冰hail/hailstonesfrozen drops of rain, that fall as drops of ice冰雹▪ blizzarda storm with a lot of snow and strong wind暴风雪▪ frostwhite powder that covers the ground when it is cold霜wind 风:▪ windyused to describe a day or weather when there is a lot of wind风大的▪ blusteryvery windy狂风大作的▪ breezea gentle pleasant wind微风▪ hurricane(in the Atlantic Ocean) / typhoon(in the Pacific Ocean) a violent storm with extremely strong winds飓风(在大西洋上)/台风(在太平洋上)cloudy多云的:▪ cloudyused to describe weather or a day when there are a lot of clouds in the sky多云的grey/dullcloudy and not bright多云阴沉的▪ overcastif the sky is overcast, it is very cloudy and dark, and it is likely to rain阴沉的〔指可能要下雨〕▪ hazynot clear, especially because there is a slight mist caused by heat or smoke雾蒙蒙的⇒FOG,MISThot热的:boiling / scorching / sizzling / blazing / burning / baking / broiling (hot) extremely hot酷热的▪ swelteringvery hot and humid闷热潮湿的▪ warma little hot, in a way that is pleasant暖和的▪ balmypleasantly warm, with a gentle wind blowing温暖惬意的heat wave a period of unusually hot weather热浪cold冷的:freezing (cold) extremely cold严寒的▪ arcticextremely cold, usually with a lot of ice and snow极冷的〔常伴有大量冰雪〕▪ wintrycold and snowy or rainy, like the weather in winter寒冷如冬季的▪ crispif the air is crisp, it feels cold but pleasantly fresh and clear〔空气〕寒冷清爽的▪ chillya little too cold, in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable阴冷的〔指让人不好受〕▪ coola little cold, in a way that is pleasant凉爽的cold snap / cold spell a period of unusually cold weather严寒期




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