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短语 keep back
释义 keep back 1. keep sth back to deliberately not tell someone all that you know about something隐瞒某事:•I got the feeling he was keeping something back.我感觉他有什么事隐瞒着。2. keep sth ↔ back to not show your feelings, even though you want to very much抑制,控制〔感情〕:•She was struggling to keep back the tears .她在努力克制,不让眼泪掉下来。3. keep sb ↔ back to prevent someone from being as successful as they could be阻止(妨碍)某人发展(进步);SYNhold back•Fear and stereotypes have kept women back for centuries.许多世纪以来,恐惧和陈规束缚了女性。4. keep sth ↔ back especially BrEto not give or pay something that you were going to give保留(扣留)某物:•They kept back some of his wages to pay for the damage.他们扣下了他的一部分工资来赔偿损失。keep back1. prevent from coming 阻止   * Police horses were used to keep back the crowd. 警马被用来阻挡人群。   * Dykes keep back the floodwater. 堤坎拦住洪水。   * The police tried in vain to keep back the protesting crowds who were rushing towards the government building. 警察企图挡住冲向政府大厦的抗议人群,但未能成功。2. control; hold back 控制   * Jim was able to keep back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆能抑制住自己的愤怒,从而避免了一场殴斗。   * In vain I tried to keep back my tears. 我怎么也忍不住我的眼泪。3. delay 延迟   * I am sorry we were late; we started in good time, but heavy rain on the road kept us back. 对不起,我们来晚了。我们虽然准点起程,可一路上大雨耽搁了我们赶路。4. not tell; conceal 隐瞒   * We must not keep back anything we know. 不应该隐瞒我们所知道的事。   * He is keeping something back from us. 他对我们有所隐瞒。   * I'll keep back nothing from you. 我对你一切都不隐瞒。   * The doctor recommended that the exact nature of the woman's illness should be kept back from her. 医生建议不要让那个妇女知道她所患疾病的确切性质。5. withhold 扣留   * National Insurance keeps bacek 5%of my wages. 国家保险公司扣除我工资的5%。   * They are keeping back the names of the victims. 他们扣压着受害者的名单。6. reserve; save 保留;留出   * The factory keeps back some money every year for welfare purposes. 这个工厂每年留出一部分钱用于福利事业。7. hinder 妨碍   * I don't want to keep you back from your work. 我不想妨碍你的工作。   * I hope I'm not keeping you back. 我希望没有妨碍你。




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