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短语 keep the wolf from the door
释义 keep the wolf from the door to earn just enough money to buy the basic things you need勉强维持生计:•I work part-time in a coffee shop just to keep the wolf from the door.我在一家咖啡馆打零工,勉强糊口。⇒cry wolf at CRY¹ (7)⇒lone wolf at LONE(3)—wolfish adj:•a wolfish grin狞笑 keep the wolf from the door have enough money to avert hunger or starvation (used hyperbolically) (夸张地)免于穷困; 免于挨饿: I work part-time to pay the mortgage and keep the wolf from the door. 我做兼职是为了偿还购房抵押贷款和免于挨饿。 keep the ˈwolf from the door(informal)to have enough money to avoid going hungry; to stop sb feeling hungry勉强度日;糊口keep the wolf from the door勉强度日;勉强��口:A neighbour could only keep the wolf from the door,people were trying to help him.一个邻人仅能勉强��口,大家正在设法帮助他。




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