释义 |
stand up to- 勇敢面对;坚决抵抗:
to stand up to death 勇敢地面对死亡 I wonder if he dare stand up to his boss. 我不知道他是否敢于反抗他的老板。 - 比得上,敌得过:
Somebody said that my short novels could stand up to Mark Twain's. 有人说我的短篇小说可以和马克吐温的媲美。 - 通过(检查、验收、考验等):
He has stood up to the test of his honesty. 他已经通过了这次对他是否诚实的考验。 - 经得起,受得了,耐得住:
Could you stand up to pain? 你能忍得住痛吗? Any weapon could stand up to severe weather conditions. 任何武器应能经得住任何严酷的气候条件。