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短语 owing to
释义 owing to because of or on account of 由于; 因为: his reading was hesitant owing to a stammer. 由于口吃他朗读时结结巴巴的。 owing tobecause of 由于   * Owing to your assistance, he finished the job in only two hours. 由于你的帮助,他仅用两小时就把活干完了。   * The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment. 我们产品质量的稳步提高在很大程度上是由于设备有所改进。   * I owe my present accomplishment to your timely assistance. 我现在的成就多亏你的及时帮助。owing to Owing to      因为;由于:Everything in the garden is late owing to the cold spring.由于春寒,这个花园中各种花草都生长得迟缓。/Owing to the drought,the crops in the fields are comparatively short.由于干旱,田中的作物长得比较矮。/ It is all owing to your help that we have achieved our success.我们的成功完全是由于你们的帮助。/Owing to repeated failure,he decides to give up and makes no further attempt.他因为屡次失败,决定放弃努力不再尝试。/My friend obtained a good post owing to his extraordinary learning and ability.我的朋友由于他非凡的学识和能力而获得一个好职位。/ It is owing to the vast territory and abundant resources of our country that we live a life of ample food and clothing.我们过着丰衣足食的生活是由于我们国家地大物博。/Owing to the great contribution he had made to mankind,the scientist was held in high esteem all over the world.由于对人类所做的伟大贡献,那科学家在全世界都受到特殊尊敬。




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