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短语 get in
释义 get in 1. ENTER 进入, to enter a place, especially when this is difficult进入〔某地,尤指难进的地方〕:•We managed to get in through a window.我们设法从一扇窗户爬了进去。•The theatre was already full, and we couldn't get in.剧院已经客满了,我们进不去。2. ARRIVE 到达, if a train, plane etc gets in at a particular time, it arrives at that time〔火车、飞机等〕到达:•What time does the bus get in?公共汽车什么时候到?[+ to ]•We get in to Heathrow at ten o'clock.我们十点钟抵达希思罗机场。3. GET HOME 到家, to arrive home到家:•We didn't get in until late.我们很晚才到家。•What time do the boys get in from school?这几个男孩子什么时候放学回家?4. BE ELECTED 当选, to be elected to a position of political power当选〔有政治权力的职务〕:•The Conservatives have promised to increase spending on health and education if they get in.保守党承诺当选后增加卫生和教育的开支。5. COLLEGE / UNIVERSITY 大学, to be allowed to be a student at a university, college etc被录取:•I applied to Bristol University, but I didn't get in.我申请布里斯托尔大学,但是没被录取。6. BUY A SUPPLY 购物, get sth ↔ in to buy a supply of something购买物品:•I must remember to get some food in for the weekend.我一定要记得买点食品周末的时候吃。7. CROPS 庄稼, get sth ↔ in to gather a crop and bring it to a sheltered place收割庄稼:•The whole village was involved with getting the harvest in.全村的人都在收割庄稼。8. ASK FOR WORKER 叫工人来, get sb ↔ in to ask someone to come to your home to do a job, especially to repair something请某人来修理:•We'll have to get a plumber in.我们得请一个管子工来。9. GIVE STH TO SB 把某物给某人, get sth in to send something to a paticular place or give it to a particular person递送某物,送交某物:•Please can you get your essays in by Thursday.请你们在星期四以前把论文交上来。•It's best to get your insurance claim in as quickly as possible.最好尽快把你的保险索赔递上去。10. DO STH 做某事, get sth ↔ in to manage to do something even though you do not have much time设法挤时间做某事:•We're hoping to get in a game of golf over the weekend.我们希望周末能打一场高尔夫球。 get in 1. (of a train, aircraft, or other transport) arrive at its destination (火车、飞机等)到达目的地。 2. (of a political party or candidate) be elected (政党或候选人)当选, 被选上。 ˌget ˈin|ˌget ˈinto sth1to arrive at a place到达The train got in late.火车晚点到达。What time do you get into Heathrow?你什么时候到达希思罗机场?2to win an election当选The Republican candidate stands a good chance of getting in.共和党候选人很可能当选。She first got into Parliament(= became an MP)in 2005.她 2005 年第一次当选为议员。3to be admitted to a school, university, etc.被录取;被接受入学She's got into Durham to study law.她被录取到达勒姆大学攻读法律。get in1. enter 进入   * I knew this case would be too small; I can't get all my clothes in. 我早就知道这个箱子太小,不能把我的衣服全都装进去。   * He invited us to get in the car and go for a ride with him. 他请我们上车陪他乘车逛一趟。   * The rain can get in through this window. 雨水会从这扇窗户打进来。2. join 参加   * He has been trying for years to get in that club. 他多年来一直都想参加那个俱乐部。3. arrive 到达   * What time does the train from Bei jing get in? 从北京开来的火车何时进站?   * The train got in on time. 火车正点到达。4. buy 买进   * We must get some wine in for the dinner party. 我们必须为晚宴买一些酒。5. introduce; say sth. esp. by interrupting sb. else 插话   * He always gets his favourite story in when he makes a speech. 他在演讲时总要穿插一点他最爱讲的故事。   * He talked so fast that I couldn't get a word in. 他讲得太快,我一句话也插不进。6. plant; sow 种植;播种   * We must get next year's potatoes in before it is too late. 我们必须及时地把明年的马铃薯种下。   * We hope to get the seed in this week. 我们希望本周能把种子播下去。7. (cause to) be elected(使)当选   * Do you think the Conservatives will get in? 你认为保守党会当选吗?   * Their candidate got in all right. 他们的候选人顺利当选了。   * He expects to get in at the next election. 他希望在下次选举中当选。8. be admitted (to school) 被接受(入学)   * We've registered our daughter at the new school, but as there's a long waitinglist I don't think she'll get in this year. 我们已经给女儿在那所新学校报了名,但报名的人很多,我想她今年进不去了。   * My son got in to the athletic school after a special test. 我儿子通过专门的考试进了那所体育学校。9. gain an advantage by being the first or one of the first to do sth. 占上风;占优势;捷足先登   * The supermarket got in first with cutprice cigarettes, so everyone buys them there now. 那家超级市场率先出售减价香烟占了优势,所以现在大家都到那儿去买烟。10. collect (taxes, debts, information, etc.) 收集(税款、借款、情报等)   * We should get in all the debts due from the customers by the end of this year. 年底前我们要收回顾客到期未付的所有欠款。   * The company is trying to get in all its outstanding debts. 公司正设法收回全部积欠的债款。   * That firm went bankrupt because their bad debts couldn't be got in. 那家商行破产了,因为他们无法收回债款。   * The government gets the taxes in quite efficiently. 政府收税相当有成效。11. bring in; gather (crops, a harvest, etc.) 搬入;收进;收获(庄稼等)   * The students in grade two went to the school farm to get in the crops last week. 上周二年级的学生去校农场收割庄稼。   * Have you got the washing in? It's starting to rain. 快下雨了,你把洗好的衣服收进来了吗?   * He got the chairs in from the garden before the rain started. 下雨前他把椅子从园中搬了进来。12. summon in 请进来   * His temperature's gone down. I don't think it's necessary to get the doctor in. 他的体温已降下来了。我认为没有必要再请医生来了。   * We must get somebody in to repair the television. 我们必须请人来修理电视机。   * She got the electrician in to check the wiring. 她请来了电工检查线路。13. (cause to) be involved in(使)卷入   * Stop gambling at cards or you'll get in debt more and more. 停止赌博,否则你就会在债务里越陷越深。   * They have got you deep in this matter. 他们已使你深深地卷进了这件事情里了。14. bring in as a supply; put in stock 采购生活用品:进货   * She always gets the groceries in for the whole week at a time. 她总是一次把一周的付食品买回来。   * I'll go out to get the coal in. 我将出去买煤。   * This store has just gotten in a new shipment of furs. 这家商店刚进了一船皮衣服。get in1.(车、船等)到达;到站:Owing to bad weather the plane got in half an hour late.由于天气恶劣,飞机迟到半个小时。2. 收割(农作物):It was late autumn,peasants were busy getting in the harvest.已是晚秋季节,农民们正忙于收割庄稼。3.雇请(工匠等):The house is in a bad state of repair,we get in masons to repair it.房屋失修,我们雇请泥瓦匠来修理它。4.插(话):Jack knows nothing about politeness,he often gets in a word or two when we talk with his father.杰克不懂礼貌,当我们跟他父亲谈话时,他时常插进一两句话。5.(使)录取:Mother is very much pleased that her son has been got in by a high-school nearby.妈妈非常高兴,她的儿子已经被附近的一所中学录取。6.收回(欠款等):With the help of a lawyer they have got in the debt owed by a bankrupt company.在一位律师的帮助下,他们已经收回一个破产公司所欠的款。7.买进:We got in some cabbage to make it into pickles.我们买进一些卷心菜制作泡菜。




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