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短语 Between
释义 Between Between      1.在两个时间之间:We have a dry climate in north China between spring and summer. 春夏之间华北的气候是干燥的。/I will wait for you at home between two and three o’clock in the afternoon. 下午二点至三点之间我将在家等你。/That old scholar only received visitors between Monday and Wednesday every week. 那位老学者只在每周星期一至星期三接见来访者。/They went to wild mountains hunting between August and October every year.他们每年8月至10月到深山去打猎。2. 在两个地点之间:A large coal mine lies between Alsace and Lorraine. 一座大煤矿位于阿尔萨斯和洛林之间。/ A little girl jumped and sang between her father and mother. 一个小女孩在她的父亲和母亲当中又跳又唱。/ There are many high and precipitous mountain ranges between China and India.中国和印度中间有许多高大险峻的山脉。/ We must try to learn how to read between the lines. 我们必须学会怎样在字里行间去体会。3.在两个数量之间:People guess the rich man’s property is between two and three million dollars. 人们猜测那富人的财产在二三百万元之间。/We estimate the height of the building at between forty and fifty meters.我们估计那楼房的高度在40至50米之间。/Students studying in our school were between two and three thousand last year.去年在我们学校上学的学生人数在2000至3000之间。/According to their estimation,the fixed assets of the factory are between five and six million dollars.根据他们的估计,该厂的固定资产在500万至600万元之间。4. 在两个性质之间:Something between a chair and sofa介乎椅子和沙发之间的东西/ a feeling between joy and sorrow介乎快乐与悲伤之间的感情/a beverage between beer and soda介乎啤酒和汽水之间的一种饮料/a flavour between sour and sweet介乎酸与甜之间的味道5.由于两个原因:That poor old man could not live long between ill-health and worry. 有病又忧愁,那位可怜的老人不会活得太长了。/He got a good post in the company between good luck and chance. 由于运气好加机遇,他在公司中获得了职位。/ Between affection and pity,he loved the woman heartily.由于爱恋和怜悯,他热烈地爱那个妇女。/ She shivered like a leaf between anger and hate.她又气又恨,浑身颤抖。6.在两个排列顺序之间:Digit 2 lies between digits 1 and 3 in the series of natural numbers.在自然数序列中,数字2位于数字1和3之间。/A major is between a captain and a colonel in the military rank.在军阶中少校的阶级位于上尉和中校之间。/ February comes between January and March in a year. 一年当中,2月位于1月和3月中间。7.移动于两者之间:Transpacific liners sail between Hongkong and San Francisco at regular intervals.横越太平洋班轮定期地航行于香港和旧金山之间。/ Airliners fly between Pittsburgh and Washington once every two days. 班机每两天在匹兹堡和华盛顿之间飞行一次。/A cargo ship plies between the two ports everyday. 一艘货轮每天往返于这两个港口之间。8.表示在二者之间分享:It has been stipulated in the contract that both profit and loss will be divided between the two partners.合同规定,无论赚钱或赔钱都由这二个合伙人均分。/The husband and wife shared joys and troubles between them. 丈夫和妻子共享快乐共担烦恼。/Let’s keep this strictly between us two. 让我们严守秘密。(只我们二人知道,不对别人讲。)/ Between you and me,I think he is a silly ass. 我只跟你说,我认为他是个笨蛋。9.表示二者之间的联系:I cannot break with him owing to all that’s between his father and me. 由于我和他父亲之间的关系,我不能和他决裂。/ This is a struggle between might and right.这是一场强权与公理之间的较量。/Even a child knows the distinction between right and wrong. 连小孩都知道是与非的区别。/ We should choose between good and evil.我们应当在善与恶之间进行选择。10.表示二者的共同行动:The two friends finished the bottle between them very quickly.这两个朋友很快就把这瓶酒喝光了。/ They owned the whole estate between them.他们共同拥有这份财产。/We had only five yuan between us,not enough to buy anything.我们大家一共只有5元钱,买什么东西也不够。◆本词也是副词,词义为:在其间;介乎其间:They quarrelled bitterly,we tried to reconcile them from between. 他们二人激烈争吵,我们设法从中劝解。/The goods in the warehouse are kept far between to prevent accidents.仓库中存放的货物之间有很宽的间隔以防止事故。/A little deer suddenly jumped out from between and ran away quickly. 一只小鹿突然从中间蹦出,很快地逃走了。




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