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短语 kill sth ↔ off
释义 kill sth ↔ off 1. to cause the death of a lot of living things使〔生物〕大量死亡; 使灭绝;SYNdestroy•Pollution is rapidly killing off plant life.污染使植物迅速大量死亡。2. to stop or remove something completely使〔某事〕彻底停止; 将〔某物〕完全根除;SYNdestroy•These figures kill off any hope that the economy is poised for recovery.这些数据彻底粉碎了经济将要复苏的希望。 CHOICE kill, murder, execute, put to death, kill yourself, commit suicide, slaughter, massacre, assassinate:There are many different words meaning to kill someone.Kill is the most general. 表示杀人的词语有许多,kill 是最常用的:•He says he did hot mean to kill his wife.他说他不是故意杀死妻子的。•Thousands of soldiers were killed in the war.成千上万的士兵在这场战争中被杀死。Use murder to talk about deliberately killing someone, especially after planning to do it.说到故意杀人,尤其是有计划地杀死某人,用 murder:•He is charged with murdering a policeman.他被指控谋杀了一名警察。When you are talking about killing someone as a punishment for a crime, use execute or put someone to death .说到作为对罪行的处罚而杀死某人,可用 execute 或 put someone to death:•He was executed by a firing squad.他被行刑队枪决了。•the first person to be put to death in San Quentin jail圣昆丁监狱内首名被处死的犯人If someone deliberately causes their own death, say that they commit suicide or that someone kills himself or herself .如果有人故意杀死自己,可以说 commit suicide 或者说 kills himself or herself:•the feeling of hopelessness that led him to commit suicide导致他自杀的绝望感•It was not the first time she had tried to kill herself.她已经不是第一次试图自杀了。Slaughter and massacre mean to violently kill a large number of people who cannot defend themselves. These words are used mainly in writing or journalism. slaughter 和 massacre 是指残暴地屠杀大批无自卫能力的人,这两个词主要用于书面语和新闻中:•Hundreds of innocent civilians were slaughtered.几百名无辜平民遭屠杀。•Soldiers massacred 900 men, women, and children in the village.士兵在村里屠杀了 900 名男女和儿童。Use assassinate to talk about killing an important person, especially a politician.说到杀死重要人物,尤其是政治家时,用 assassinate:•J.F.Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963.1963 年 J·F·肯尼迪在达拉斯遇刺身亡。




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