短语 | knock out |
释义 | knock out 1. UNCONSCIOUS 昏迷不醒, knock sb ↔ out to make someone become unconscious or go to sleep使某人失去知觉; 使某人睡觉:•The champion knocked Biggs out in the seventh round.那位冠军在第七回合把比格斯打得失去了知觉。knock yourself out•His head hit a table as he fell and he knocked himself out.他摔了一跤,头撞在桌子上,昏了过去。•The nurse gave me some medicine which totally knocked me out.护士给我用了些药,我就睡过去了。⇒KNOCKOUT¹ (1) 2. DEFEAT 击败, knock sb / sth ↔ out to defeat a person or team in a competition so that they can no longer take part淘汰某人/某物:•The German team were knocked out in the first round.德国队首轮即遭淘汰。knock sb / sth out of sth•He first hit the headlines when he knocked Becker out of the French Open Tournament.他在法国网球公开赛上淘汰了贝克尔,第一次上了头版头条。⇒KNOCKOUT¹ (3) 3. DESTROY 摧毁, knock sth ↔ out to damage something so that it does not work摧毁某物,破坏某物:•The air raids were planned to knock out communications on the ground.计划中空袭是为了摧毁地面通讯。4. ADMIRE 赞赏, knock sb out informalif something knocks you out, it is very impressive and surprises you because it is so good使某人倾倒,使某人大为赞赏:•She loved the movie. It knocked her out.她非常喜爱这部影片,对之赞叹不已。⇒KNOCKOUT¹ (2) 5. PRODUCE 制作, knock sth ↔ out informalto produce something easily and quickly快速轻松地做出(做完)某物:•Paul has been knocking out new songs for the album.保罗轻松地为这张专辑写了一些新歌。6. knock yourself out informalto work very hard in order to do something well〔为做好某事而〕苦干knock out1. stun; render unconscious 击昏   * He received a blow on the head which knocked him out. 他头上被打了一拳就昏倒了。   * The falling ladder hit him on the head and knocked him out. 梯子倒下来击中了他的头部,把他打昏过去了。   * The boxer knocked his opponent out. 拳击运动员把对手击晕。2. eliminate from a competition; defeat an opponent by knocking him out of the fight 从比赛中排除   * He was knocked out in the second round of this tournament. 他在第2轮比赛中就被击败了。   * He has now knocked out most of the other competitors. 他现在已经压倒了多数其他竞赛对手。3. empty by knocking 磕干净   * After knocking out his pipe, the old man went on with his story. 老人把烟斗里的烟灰磕干净后,又继续讲故事。4. overwhelm with surprise 使震惊;使惊得发呆   * For a moment she was completely knocked out by the news. 这条消息一下子就使她惊得目瞪口呆。   * The beautiful scenery really knocks me out. 这美丽的景色简直把我给迷住了。5. play (a tune) rather unskillfully on the piano 不熟练地弹钢琴   * I am not a very accomplished pianist, but I can knock out a tune. 我不是一个好的钢琴演奏者,但能勉强弹奏一曲。6. create or finish roughly or hastily 粗率地或匆忙地创作成或完成   * He knocked out a plan in half an hour. 他半小时就草拟出一个计划。   * She knocked out ten letters in one evening. 她一个晚上写了10封信。7. make inoperative; destroy 使不能使用;破坏;损坏   * The telephone communications were knocked out by the storm. 电话线被风暴摧毁了。   * The power supply system knocked out by the typhoon has been repaired. 被台风刮坏的供电系统已经修复。8. make sb. exhausted 使(某人)疲劳;使(某人)累垮   * He knocked himself out with excessive work. 他工作过度,把身体累垮了。9. do one's best; exert oneself to the utmost 尽最大努力;竭尽全力   * He knocked himself out cramming for the exams. 他正竭尽全力赶功课准备应试。   * The workers knocked themselves out to fulfil their production quota ahead of time. 工人们为提前完成生产指标,把全部气力都使上了。 |
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