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短语 turn over
释义 turn over 1. turn sth over to sb to give someone the right to own something, or to make someone responsible for dealing with something把所有权交给某人; 交托某人负责某事:•He'll turn the shop over to his son when he retires.他退休后要把商店交给儿子经营。turn the matter / problem / responsibility etc over to sb•I'm turning the project over to you.我要把项目交给你负责。2. turn sth over to sth to use land, a building etc for a different purpose把…改造为…:•There is a new plan to turn the land over to wind farming.有一个新的计划要把这块土地用于风力发电。3. turn sb over to sb to take a criminal to the police or another official organization把某人交给警方等:•Suspected terrorists are immediately turned over to the law.恐怖分子嫌疑人会被立即送交法办。4. turn over sth if a business turns over a particular amount of money, it earns that amount in a particular period of time营业额达到:•Within ten years the theme park was turning over £20 million.十年内,这座主题公园的营业额达到了两千万英镑。⇒TURNOVER5. if an engine turns over, or if someone turns it over, it starts to work(使)发动,(使)转动:•The engine turned over twice and then stopped.引擎发动了两次,然后熄火了。6. BrEto turn a page in a book or a sheet of paper to the opposite side翻页:•Turn over and look at the next page.翻过去看下一页。7. BrEto change to another CHANNEL on a television转换电视频道:•Can we turn over? There's a film I want to see.我们换个频道好吗?有一部电影我想看。8. turn sth over BrEto search a place thoroughly or steal things from it, making it very untidy彻底搜查;〔为偷东西〕翻箱倒柜:•Burglars had been in and turned the whole house over.盗贼进来过,把整座房子翻了个底朝天。⇒turn over a new leaf at LEAF¹ (3)⇒turn sth over in your mind at MIND¹ (17) turn over (of an engine) start or continue to run properly (引擎)发动, 持续运转。 ˌturn ˈover1to change position so that the other side is facing towards the outside or the top翻身;翻转If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.你若翻个身也许入睡容易些。The car skidded and turned over.汽车打滑向一侧翻倒了。(figurative)The smell made my stomach turn over(= made me feel sick).这气味让我反胃。2(of an engine发动机)to start or to continue to run发动;转动;继续运转3to change to another channel when you are watching television变换(电视频道)




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