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短语 get off
释义 get off 1. LEAVE 离开, to leave a place, or to help someone to leave a place(使)离开,(使)动身:•We'll try and get off straight after lunch.我们尽量吃过午饭就出发。get off sth•Get off my land!从我的土地上走开!get sb off•I'll phone you as soon as I've got the children off to school.我把孩子们打发上学后马上打电话给你。2. FINISH WORK 结束工作, get off (sth) to finish work and leave the place where you work at the end of the day下班:•I usually get off at six o'clock.我一般六点钟下班。•What time do you get off work ?你什么时候下班?3. SEND STH 寄出某物, get sth off to send a letter or package by post邮寄某物,寄出某物:•I'll have to get this letter off by tonight.我得在今晚前把这封信寄出去。[+ to ]•I'll get the forms off to you today.今天我会把表格寄给你。4. CLOTHING 衣服, get sth off to remove a piece of clothing脱下,脱掉:•Why don't you get those wet clothes off?你干吗不把湿衣服脱下来?5. NOT BE PUNISHED 未受惩罚, if someone gets off, they are not punished for doing something wrong, or they receive only a small punishment没有受到惩罚; 被从轻处罚:•In the end he got off because there wasn't enough evidence against him.最后他因为证据不足没有受到惩罚。•The police felt he had got off very lightly.警方认为对他的处罚太轻了。[+ with ]•If you're lucky, you'll get off with a fine.你运气好的话,罚点钱就可以了。6. HELP SB NOT BE PUNISHED 帮助某人免受处罚, get sb off to help someone avoid being punished for a crime使某人免受处罚:•Her lawyers were confident that they could get her off.她的律师有信心让她无罪。7. SLEEP 睡觉, get (sb) off to go to sleep, or to help a child go to sleep睡觉; 哄(某人)睡觉:•I went to bed but couldn't get off to sleep .我上了床,但是睡不着。•It took us ages to get the baby off.我们好久才把宝宝哄睡着了。8. get off to a good / bad etc start to start in a particular way有好/不好等的开端:•The day had got off to a bad start.这天一早就有坏事发生。9. STOP TALKING ABOUT STH 停止谈论某事, get off sth to stop talking about a subject不再谈论某事:•Can we get off the subject of death, please?我们不说死亡这个话题了好不好?10. STOP TOUCHING STH 不碰某物, get off (sth / sb) informalused to tell someone to stop touching something or someone不要碰(某物/某人):•Get off me!别碰我!•Get off those cakes, or there'll be trouble.别碰那些蛋糕,否则有你好看的。•Get off (=stop touching me) !别碰我!11. tell sb where to get off informalto tell someone that they are asking you for too much or are behaving in a way you will not accept叫某人适可而止:•He wanted £50, but I told him where to get off.他想要 50 英镑,我叫他别太过分。12. get off your butt / ass AmE spoken not politeused to tell someone that they should stop being lazy and start doing something useful抬起屁股收收你的懒骨头 get off 1. informal escape a punishment; be acquitted 〈非正式〉逃避(惩罚); 被宣告无罪: she got off lightly 她轻松地逃过了惩罚 you'll get off with a caution. 只不过警告一下就会放过你的。 2. go to sleep, especially after some difficulty (尤指好不容易地)入睡。 3. Brit. informal have a sexual encounter 〈英, 非正式〉性接触: he accused her of trying to get off with that drummer. 他指责她想和那鼓手乱搞。 4. N. Amer. vulgar slang have an orgasm 〈北美, 粗俚〉达到性高潮。 ˌget ˈoff|ˌget ˈoff sbused especially to tell sb to stop touching you or another person(尤用于告诉别人)别碰,走远点Get off me, that hurts!别碰我,好痛哟!ˌget ˈoff|ˌget ˈoff sthto leave work with permission经允许离开工作;下班Could you get off (work) early tomorrow?你明天可以提早下班吗?ˌget ˈoff|ˌget sb ˈoff1to leave a place or start a journey; to help sb do this(使某人)离开,出发,动身We got off straight after breakfast.我们早饭后就立即动身了。He got the children off to school.他打发孩子们上学去了。2(BrE)to fall asleep; to make sb do this(使)入睡I had great difficulty getting off to sleep.我很难入睡。They couldn't get the baby off till midnight.他们直到半夜才把婴孩哄入睡。get off1. (cause to) leave (a vehicle) (使)下(车)   * The bus driver got the passengers off in time. 公共汽车司机让乘客及时下了车。   * Sue got off the train at the wrong station. 苏下错了火车站。2. leave; start 离开;出发   * We got off early and arrived be fore lunch. 我们出发得早,所以午饭前就赶到了。   * The plane got off on time. 飞机准时起飞了。   * We got off immediately after breakfast. 早饭后,我们立即就出发了。3. clean or remove (a mark, dirt, etc.) 擦去(污渍等)   * There's a dirty mark on the wall that I can't get off. 墙上有个污渍我无法擦掉。   * I couldn't get the coffee stains off my shirt. 我无法去掉我衬衫上的咖啡污迹。4. tabe off 脱掉   * His mother told him to get his wet clothes off. 他妈妈要他把湿衣服脱掉。5. (cause to) leave; not remain on (使)离开;不要停留在…之上   * That grass is newly seeded; please get off. 草地刚播种,请走开。   * Getting children off to school is tiring work. 催促孩子们去上学是件烦人的事情。   * We got him off on the evening train. 我们送他搭晚车走了。6. save; rescue 救出   * The last three sailors were got off just before the ship sank. 最后3名水手刚得救船就沉了。   * The crew of the stranded yacht were in danger but we got them off, 那艘搁浅帆船上的船员处于危险之中,但我们把他们救出来了。7. escape or nearly escape punishment; save from punishment 逃避惩罚;使免遭惩罚   * The thieves got off lightly, as the judge was not severe with them. 由于法官对窃贼不那么严厉,他们轻易地就逃避了惩罚。   * He got off with a warning. 他受了一次警告就完事了。   * The judge got him off, but he wouldn't have got him off so easily if it hadn't been a first offence. 法官从轻发落了他,若不是初犯,他是不会这么轻而易举地放过他的。   * The lawyer got his client off. 律师使他的委托人免遭惩罚。   * It was his youth and inexperience that got him off. 他因年幼无知而受到从宽处理。8. escape from; free from 逃避;摆脱   * No one should get off paying his taxes. 任何人都不应逃税。   * He managed to get off doing this kind of dirty work. 他设法逃避干这类脏活儿。9. escape or nearly escape injury in an accident 在事故中免受伤害或损失   * Fortunately the two cars didn't crash head on, so Bill got off with nothing worse than a bad fright. 幸好这两部车没有迎头相撞,所以比尔只是受了一场惊吓。10. send; go; dispatch by post (把信件等)邮寄出去   * I want to get this package off at once. 我想把这个包裹马上寄走。   * Please get the letter off by the five o'clock post. 请把这些信件通过5点的那趟邮次发出去。   * We got the orders off promptly. 我们准时发出了订单。11. make a joke 说笑话   * The lecturer got off one or two very amusing jokes. 演讲者讲了一两个极有趣的笑话。12. learn by heart; memorize 背诵   * The teacher asked his students to get off the passage by heart. 老师要学生把这段文章背下来。




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