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短语 get out of sth
释义 get out of sth 1. AVOID DOING STH 逃避做某事, to avoid doing something you have promised to do or are supposed to do逃脱,逃避:•See if you can get out of that meeting tomorrow.看看明天的会议你能不能逃过。get out of doing sth•He's trying to get out of tidying his room.他想逃避收拾房间。2. STOP DOING STH 停止做某事, to stop doing something or being involved in something放弃:•I wanted to get out of teaching.我想放弃教书的工作。3. MAKE SB GIVE / TELL YOU STH 让某人给你某物/告诉你某事, get sth out of sb to force or persuade someone to tell you something or give you something要某人说出某事; 要某人给你某物:•I was determined to get the truth out of her.我决意要她说出真相。4. ENJOY STH 喜欢某事, get sth out of sth to enjoy something you do or experience, or to learn something as a result从某事中得到(学到)某事:•I hope he got something out of his visit.我希望他通过这次访问可以有所获益。get sth out of doing sth•Children can get a lot out of being involved in community projects.孩子们参加社区活动可以学到不少东西。get over1. ILLNESS 疾病, get over sth to become well again after an illness从〔疾病〕中康复过来:•It's taken me ages to get over the flu.我得了流感,很久才好起来。2. UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE 不愉快的经历, get over sth to begin to feel better after a very upsetting experience从〔不愉快的经历〕中恢复:•She never got over the death of her son.儿子的死,她一直没有想开。3. IDEAS / INFORMATION 想法/信息, get sth ↔ over to succeed in communicating ideas or information to other people把某事说清楚:[+ to ]•It's important that we get this message over to young people.我们一定要让年轻人明白这个道理。4. FINISH STH 完成某事, get sth over also get sth over with to do and finish something difficult that you have to do完成某事〔指必须做的难事〕:•I'll be in touch once I've got my exams over.我考完试后马上和你联系。•I can't wait to get the interview over with.我巴不得面试早点结束。5. PROBLEM / DIFFICULTY 问题/困难, get over sth to successfully deal with a problem or difficulty解决〔问题〕; 克服〔困难〕:•I don't know how we're going to get over this problem.我不知道我们该怎样解决这个问题。•Once we've got over the first few months, we should be making a reasonable profit.只要头几个月应付过去,我们就应该能获得不错的利润。6. can't / couldn't get over sth spokenused to say that you are very surprised, shocked, or amused by something对某事十分惊讶:•I can't get over how well you look.我很惊讶你的气色这么好。ˌget ˈout of sth1to avoid a responsibility or duty逃避,规避,摆脱(责任或义务)We promised we'd go—we can't get out of it now.我们答应过要去的,现在我们不能食言。getdoing sthI wish I could get out of going to that meeting.但愿我能不去参加那个会。2to stop having a particular habit放弃,戒除,抛弃(习惯)I can't get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning.我早上六点钟醒的习惯改不了。




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