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短语 square up
释义 square up 1. to pay money that you owe清账; 结账:•I'll pay for the drinks and you can square up later.我把饮料的钱付掉,你可以以后再结算。2. BrEto get ready to fight someone摆好打斗的架势:[+ to ]•The two lads squared up to each other.这两个少年摆好了打架的架势。3. square up to sb / sth to deal with a difficult situation or person in a determined way果敢地面对某人/某事 square up assume the attitude of a person about to fight 摆好架势(准备打架), 作打斗状: he has been known to square up to people who have enraged him. 只要谁一触怒他, 他就摆开架势准备打架, 这一点人人皆知。 ■  (square up to) face and tackle (a difficulty or problem) resolutely 勇敢地面对并解决(困难, 问题): the Party squared up to the necessity of facing fascism with military sanctions. 这个政党勇敢地面对以军事制裁来对付法西斯的必然性。 square uppay sb. money that one owes 结账;付账   * Will you square up with the waiter while I go and get the car? 我去把车开过来,你来和侍者结账好吗?   * Let's square up, how much is the bill? 我们结账吧,账单金额多少?




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