短语 | pick up |
释义 | pick up 1. LIFT STH / SB UP 捡起(拿起,拾起)某物; 举起某人 pick sth / sb ↔ up to lift something or someone up 捡起,拿起; 抱起:•He picked up the letter and read it.他拿起信看了起来。•The phone rang and I picked it up.电话响了,我接了起来。•Mummy, can you pick me up?妈妈,把我抱起来好吗?⇒box at HOLD¹2. pick yourself up to get up from the ground after you have fallen〔跌倒后〕站起来:•Carol picked herself up and brushed the dirt off her coat.卡萝尔站起来,拍去外套上的灰尘。3. TIDY STH 整理某物, pick sth ↔ up AmEto make a room or building tidy整理,收拾:•Pick up your room before you go to bed.收拾一下房间再上床。4. GET STH 得到某物pick sth ↔ up informala. to get or win something获得,赢得:•He's already picked up three major prizes this year.今年他已经拿了三项大奖。b. to buy something or get it from a shop etc买到:•I picked up an evening paper on the way home.我在回家的路上买了一份晚报。•For more details, pick up a leaflet in your local post office.欲知更多详情,请到当地邮局取阅宣传单。c. to get an illness染上〔疾病〕:•I picked up a virus while I was in America.我在美国的时候染上了病毒。5. COLLECT 领取, pick sth ↔ up to collect something from a place取〔某物〕:•I'll pick my things up later.我过一会儿来取我的东西。•She just dropped by to pick up her mail.她只是顺便过来取她的邮件。6. LET SB INTO A VEHICLE 让某人进入车辆, pick sb ↔ up to let someone get into your car, boat etc and take them somewhere搭载,接载:•I'll pick you up at the station.我会到车站接你。•The survivors were picked up by fishing boats from nearby villages.幸存者被附近村庄的渔船救了起来。7. LEARN 学会, pick sth ↔ up to learn something by watching or listening to other people学会:•I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year.去年在希腊的时候我学会了一些希腊语单词。•Mary watched the other dancers to see if she could pick up any tips.玛丽观察其他跳舞的人看看能否学到什么窍门。8. NOTICE 注意, pick sth ↔ up to notice something that is not easy to notice, such as a slight smell or a sign of something注意到〔不容易注意的事情〕:•I picked up a faint smell of coffee.我闻到淡淡的咖啡味。•The dogs picked up the scent and raced off.那些狗闻到了气味,一下子跑开了。•We picked up their tracks again on the other side of the river.我们在河的另一边又发现了他们的足迹。9. RADIO / SIGNALS 无线电/信号, pick sth ↔ up if a machine picks up a sound, movement, or signal, it is able to notice it or receive it接收:•The sensors pick up faint vibrations in the Earth.这些探测器可探测到地球内部微弱的振动。•I managed to pick up an American news broadcast.我设法收听到一个美国的新闻广播节目。10. SEX 性, pick sb ↔ up to become friendly with someone you have just met because you want to have sex with them勾搭上:•young women sitting around in bars waiting to be picked up闲坐在酒吧等人来勾搭的年轻女子11. START AGAIN 重新开始a. if you pick up where you stopped or were interrupted, you start again from that point〔从谈话、会议停顿的地方〕继续:•We'll meet again in the morning and we can pick up where we left off .我们早上再开会,从停下的地方继续。b. pick sth ↔ up if you pick up an idea that has been mentioned, you return to it and develop it further回过头来进一步阐述〔某观点〕:•I'd like to pick up what you said earlier.我想再谈谈刚才你说过的问题。•This same theme is picked up in his later works.相同的主题又出现在他后来的作品中。12. IMPROVE , 改进,提高a. if a situation picks up, it improves〔情况〕改进,提高,好转:•Her social life was picking up at last.她的社交生活终于有了起色。•The economy is finally beginning to pick up again.经济终于开始有所好转。•We've been through a bit of a bad patch, but things are picking up again now.我们度过了一段困难的日子,不过目前情况又开始好转了。b. pick sb up if a medicine or drink picks you up, it makes you feel better〔药物或饮料〕使某人感觉好些,使振作精神;⇒pick-me-up13. ROAD 道路, pick sth ↔ up if you pick up a road, you go onto it and start driving along it沿某条路行进:•We take the A14 to Birmingham and then pick up the M5.我们沿 A14 公路到伯明翰,然后上 M5 公路。14. TRAIN / BUS 火车/公共汽车, pick sth ↔ up if you pick up a train, bus etc you get onto it and travel on it乘坐15. pick up speed / steam to go faster加快速度:•The train was gradually picking up speed.火车正在逐渐加速。16. pick up the bill / tab (for sth) informalto pay for something(为某事物)付款:•Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for mistakes made by a private company?为什么纳税人要为一家私人公司的过错所造成的损失付账呢?17. WIND 风, if the wind picks up, it increases or grows stronger变大,变强18. COLOUR 颜色, pick sth ↔ up if one thing picks up a colour in something else, it has an amount of the same colour in it so that the two things look nice together含有…的颜色〔因而搭配得好〕:•I like the way the curtains pick up the red in the rug.窗帘也带一点地毯中的红色,色彩搭配得好,我很喜欢。19. CRIMINAL 罪犯, pick sb ↔ up if the police pick someone up, they take them somewhere to answer questions or to be locked up逮捕某人,拘捕某人:•He was picked up by police as he was trying to leave the country.他企图出国时被警察拘捕。20. pick up the pieces (of sth) to try to make your life normal again after something very bad has happened to you(使某事物)重整旗鼓,恢复正常:•Thousands of victims of the earthquake are now faced with the task of picking up the pieces of their lives.数以千计的地震灾民现在面临着重建生活的重任。21. pick up the threads (of sth) if you pick up the threads of something that you were doing, you try to return to it and start doing it again after it stopped or was changed恢复,重新开始(某事物):•Now that the war was over they could pick up the threads of their lives again.战争已经结束,他们可以重新开始生活了。22. pick your feet up spokenused to tell someone to walk properly or more quickly好好走路; 快点走 pick up ■ become better; improve 改善, 好转, 提高, 有起色: my luck's picked up. 我时来运转了。 ■ become stronger; increase 变得更猛烈, 变得更强大; 增加: the wind has picked up. 风更大了。 ˌpick ˈup|ˌpick sth ˈupto answer a phone接电话The phone rang and rang and nobody picked up.电话铃响了又响,但没人接。ˌpick ˈup1to get better, stronger, etc; to improve改善;好转;增强Trade usually picks up in the spring.贸易一般在春天回升。The wind is picking up now.现在风愈刮愈大了。Sales have picked up 14% this year.今年销售额增长了 14%。related nounpickup (3)2(informal)to start again; to continue重新开始;继续Let'spick up where we left offyesterday.咱们从昨天停下的地方继续吧。3(informal) (especially NAmE)to put things away and make things neat, especially for sb else(为某人)收拾,整理All I seem to do is cook, wash and pick up after the kids.烧饭、洗衣、跟在孩子屁股后头收拾东西,好像这就是我全部的活儿。pick up1. lift; take up; raise after a fall 拾起;拿起;跌倒后爬起   * The children picked up many sea shells at the seashore. 孩子们在海边拾到很多贝壳。   * During the morning Mrs. Carter picked up sticks in the yard. 早上卡特太太在院子里拾柴。   * He fell but at once picked himself up. 他跌了一跤,但马上又爬了起来。2. pay 支付   * After lunch in the restaurant, Uncle Bob picked up the check. 在餐馆吃完饭后,鲍勃叔叔付了饭钱。   * They offered to pick up the bill for all the expenses of the trip. 他们表示愿意把全部旅行费用的账单接受下来。3. take on(开车)带人   * The train stopped to pick up passenger. 火车停下来让乘客上车。   * I'll pick you up at your office. 我到办公室来接你。   * At the corner the bus stopped and picked up three people. 在街拐角处汽车停下来让3个人上车。4. collect 收集   * They picked up some rumours that the firm was going to close down. 他们听到一些关于公司要倒闭的谣传。   * They are trying to pick up information. 他们在设法收集情报。   * He picked up rare coins in seaports all over the world. 他在世界各港口收集稀有硬币。5. gather together 收拾;整理   * It's almost dinner time, children. Time to pick up and get ready. 快到吃饭时间了,孩子们。收拾收拾,准备开饭。   * Let's pick up the room before everyone arrives. 我们在大家来之前把房间整理好吧。   * It's time to pick up tools and go home. 现在是收拾工具回家的时候了。6. get, learn accidentally 偶然得到(或学到、找到)   * He never studied Japanese; what he knows is what he picked up while living in Japan. 他从未正式学过日文,他所懂的一些日文是他居住在日本时随便学来的。   * He picked up a beautiful statue when he was in Rome. 他在罗马时买到了一尊美丽的塑像。   * I picked up that volume in a secondhand book shop. 那本书是我偶然在一家旧书店里找到的。   * He has picked up some bad habits at that club. 他在那个俱乐部沾染上了一些坏习气。7. make friends with 与…交朋友   * Mother told Mary not to walk home by herself from the party be cause some strangers might try to pick her up. 妈妈告诉玛丽舞会后不要独自步行回家,因为会有陌生人与她搭讪。   * I think she picked him up at a dance. 我想她是在舞会上与他认识的。8. arrest 逮捕   * The main suspect in thr murder case was finally picked up by police in London yesterday. 谋杀案中的主要嫌疑犯昨天在伦敦被警察抓住了。   * police picked the man up for burglary. 警察因这男子盗窃而逮捕了他。9. receive radio signals 收到信号   * With my new radio I can pick up stations all over Europe. 我的新收音机可接收到欧洲所有的电台。   * The enemy planes are picked up by our radar installations. 敌机被我们的雷达发现了。10. rescue sb. from the water 从水上救起   * AirSea Rescue picked up the downed airman after receiving an SOS message. 空海营救队接到呼救信号后,在海上救起了被击落的飞行员。   * They picked up the survivors in the lifeboat. 他们救起了救生艇里的幸存者。11. find and travel along (a route, a trail, etc.) 发现(道路、踪迹等)并沿着走   * State police picked up the bandits'trail. 州警察发现了土匪的踪迹。   * We picked up the trail of the fugitives and soon overtook them. 我们找到逃亡者的踪迹,不久就追上了他们。12. continue or return to sth. after a break or interruption 重新开始   * He picked up the story where he had left it the day before. 他接着往下讲前天没讲完的故事。   * I found it difficult to pick up the discussion again after lunch. 我发现午饭后再继续讨论很困难。13. make sb. feel better 使感觉好些   * Catherine was feeling very bad yesterday but has picked up a lot today. 凯瑟琳昨天身体很不好,但今天觉得好多了。   * A bit of exercise will pick you up. 你稍微运动运动会恢复健康的。   * A little food will pick you up. 吃点东西会使你感觉好些。14. become faster 加快   * About a mile out of the station the train began to pick up speed. 出站大约一英里,火车开始加速。 |
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