black-bellied / fat-bellied / big-bellied etc
black-bellied / fat-bellied / big-bellied etc having a black, fat, big etc stomach黑色腹部的/腹部肥硕的/大腹便便的等
tell off
tell of sb / sth
tell of sth
tell one's beads
tell on sb
tell on / upon
tell sb flat
tell sb's fortune
tell sb / sth apart
tell sb/sth from
tell sb what they can do with sth
tell sb where to get off
tell sb where to get off/where they can get off
tell sb where to go / where to get off
tell sb where to put/stick sth
tell sb’s fortune from cards
tell sb ↔ off
tell sb↔off (for sth/for doing sth)
tell someone off
tell someone's fortune
tell someone where to get off (或where they get off)
tell someone where to put(或what to do with) something
tell something a mile off
tell tales
tell tales about
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更新时间:2024/10/13 11:23:52