a mess of sth
a mile a minute
a millstone around/round your neck
a millstone round / around sb's neck
a mind of great capacity
a mine of information (about/on sb/sth)
a mine of information (about / on sth)
a mint
a minute
a miracle of sth
a mirror of sth
a miss is as good as a mile
a mite
a mite of sth
a mixed bag
a mixed blessing
a modicum of sth
among other things
among other things / places / factors etc
among the acclamation of
among the rest
among yourselves / ourselves / themselves
a monkey on one's back
a monkey on your back
a monkey wrench in the works
a month of Sundays
a moot point / question
a moot point/question
a mote in someone's eye
a motley collection / crew / assortment etc
a mountain of flesh
a mountain of sth / mountains of sth
amount / come to the same thing
amount to
amount to little
amount to much
amount to nothing
amount to something
amount to sth
a mouth to feed
a mover and shaker
a moving target
amphibious operation / force / assault
amphibious vehicle
a mug's game
a multitude of sb / sth
a must-have / must-see / must-read etc
a myriad of sth / myriads of sth
a / my / your etc happy place
an accident/a disaster waiting to happen
an accident waiting to happen
an accomplished fact
an ace up your sleeve
an acquired taste
an act of faith
an act of grace
an actor turned politician / a housewife turned author etc
an affiliated organization / club / member etc
a nail in sb's/sth's coffin
a nail in the coffin
an albatross (around your neck)
analogue clock / watch
a name to conjure with
an apology for sth
an apt pupil / student
an army marches on its stomach
an arrow in the quiver
an article of faith
an A student
rhyme or reason
rich in
richly coloured
richly deserve
richly flavoured / scented
richly rewarding
rick your back / neck
riddled with holes
riddled with sth
ride a punch / blow
ride at anchor
ride a/the wave of sth
ride a wave
ride down
ride/drive with a loose rein
ride, etc. roughshod over sb
ride for a fall
ride herd on
ride herd on sb/sth
ride high
ride like a tailor
ride off on a side issue
ride on
ride one's luck
ride on sb's shoulders / back
ride on sth
ride out a storm
ride pillion
ride roughshod over
ride roughshod over sth
- rides again
ride sb in the snaffle
ride shotgun
ride / sit sidesaddle
ride skimmington
ride someone down
ride something out
ride sth↔out
ride sth ↔ out
ride the clutch
ride the crest of sth
ride the pine(或bench)
ride the rods(或rails)
ride to hounds
ride up
ride/walk roughshod over
ridge of high pressure
rid oneself of
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