slob around / out
slobber over sb/sth
slobber over sth / sb
slog it out
slog/sweat/work your guts out
slop about/around
slop around / about
slope arms
slope off
slop out
slosh about/around
slot in
slot sb/sth↔in
slough sth↔off
slough sth ↔ off
slow burn
slow but(或and)sure
slow down
slow handclap
slow in one's wits
slowly but surely
slow off the mark
slow on the uptake
slow up
slug it out
slum it
slum it / be slumming
slur over
sly smile / glance / wink etc
smack of sth
smack sb up
smack sb↔up
smack your lips
small arms
small business / firm / farmer etc
small change
small is beautiful
small potatoes
small profits and quick returns
small talk
small-time crook / gangster etc
small wonder
smarten sb/sth↔up
smarten sth ↔ up
smarten up your act / ideas
smarten (yourself) up
smart off
smash-and-grab raid / attack etc
smash a record
smash / blow etc sth to smithereens
smash, blow, etc. sth to smithereens
smash / rip / tear sth to pieces
smash sth↔down
smash sth ↔ down
smash sth↔in
smash sth ↔ in
smash sth↔up
smash sth ↔ up
smash up
smell about
smell a rat
smell blood
smell of
smell of oil
smell of the candle/lamp
smell out
smell round
smell sb/sth↔out
smell sb / sth ↔ out
smell, stink, etc. to high heaven
smell the roses
smell trouble / danger etc
smell wrong / fishy / odd etc
smile at
smile/grin/beam from ear to ear
smile / grin broadly
smile / grin etc from ear to ear
smile on
smile on sb/sth
smile on / upon
smile through one's tears
smite with the tongue
smitten with / by sth
smoke and mirrors
smoked salmon / bacon / sausage etc
smoke-filled room
smoke-free environment / zone etc
smokeless coal / fuel
smokeless tobacco
smoke like a chimney
smoke out
smoke sb/sth↔out
smoke sb / sth ↔ out
smoke the pipe of peace
smooth away
smooth down
smooth out
smooth over
smooth/rough to the touch
smooth (sb's) ruffled feathers
smooth someone's ruffled feathers
smooth sth ↔ away
smooth sth↔away/out
smooth sth ↔ out
smooth sth↔over
smooth sth ↔ over
smooth-textured / coarse-textured / fine-textured etc
smooth the path/way
smooth the way / path for sth
smother sb with kisses
snake oil salesman / peddler
snap at
snap election
snap into it
Snap it up!
snap judgment / decision
snap one's fingers
snap one's fingers at
snap one’s finger at
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