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the atmosphere the authorities the axe the ayes have it the backbone of sth
the back burner the back of an envelope the back of beyond the back of ground the back of one's mind
the back(或front)burner the balance of evidence / probability etc the ball is in sb's court the ball is in your court the ball is in your/sb's court
the ball of the foot the ball of the thumb the balloon goes up the ballot the ballot box
the bar the Bard the bare bones the bare bones (of sth) the bare facts
the bar of conscience the baroque the battle the battle lines are drawn the battle of the sexes
the be-all and end-all the be-all and end-all (of sth) the beast in sb the beautiful people the Bedouin
the bee's knees the beginning of the end the bench the bends the benefit of the doubt
the bereaved the best the best / better part of sth the best/better part of sth the best / biggest etc … of all time
the best / biggest etc … this side of sth the best / biggest / fastest etc possible the best / greatest thing since sliced bread the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley the best medicine
the best of a bad bunch the best of a bad lot / bunch the best of both/all possible worlds the best of both worlds the best of both(或all possible)worlds
the best of friends the best of it is the best of luck (with sth) the best of three, five, etc. the best of three (或five等)
the best part of the best / pick of the bunch the best/pick of the bunch the best that money can buy the best thing since sliced bread
the best(或the pick)of the bunch the better the better part of the better part of the better to -
the betting is the betting is that… the Bible the Big Apple the big bang theory
the big boys the Big C the Big Dipper the big enchilada the bigger, smaller, faster, slower, etc. the better
the biggest / best / nicest etc sth going the biggest / tallest / most expensive etc … on earth the biggest / worst etc (sth) yet the big lie the big picture
the big screen the big stick the big three, four, etc. the Big Three, Four,etc. the big time
the (big) wide world the bill of fare the binary system the birch the bird/dove of peace
the bird has flown the birds and the bees the biter bitten(或bit) the Black Death the black / female / Russian etc experience
the blacktop the blahs the blind the blind leading the blind the bloom is off the rose
the bloom of youth the blue the blues the blushing bride the body beautiful
the bomb the boob tube the boogaloo the boondocks the boot
the boot is on the other foot the boot(或〈北美〉 shoe)is on the other foot the bosom of the family / the Church etc the bottle the bottom drops/falls out (of sth)
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