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affrontive affrontiveness Affs afft afft.
affusion affusions Afg. AFGC AFGE
Afgh. Afghan Afghan hound Afghan hounds Afghani
Afghanis Afghanistan Afghanistanism afghanistans Afghanistan syndrome
afghans Afghantsi, Afghantsy AFGS afibrinogenemia afibrinogenemias
aficionada aficionadas aficionado aficionadoes aficionados
afield a.fields a fifty-fifty chance a file of men a fine day for the young ducks
a fine kettle of fish a fine pass a fine penny a finger in the pie AFIP
AFIPS afire a fisher of men a fish out of water AFL
aflame aflame with aflare a flash in the pan aflatoxicosis
aflatoxin aflatoxins AFL-CIO a flight of ambition a flight of fancy
a flight of imagination a flight of stairs afloat a flood of anger a flood of light
a flood of tears a flood of words a flourish of trumpets aflutter aflutters
a fly in amber a fly in the ointment .afm AFM afms
AFNOR afocal Afognak a fool of circumstances afoot
afore- afore Aforeffort a foregone conclusion aforehand
aforementioned aforesaid aforethought aforetime aforetimes
a forg in one's throat a forg in the throat a for instance A format A-formation
A-form DNA a form of address a fortiori afoul afouls
AFP Afps A.-Fr. AFR Afr-
Afr. a fraction of a second AFRAeS afraid afraid of one's shadow
afraid that afraid to afraid to (do) afraid to say A-frame
Aframerican Aframericans a-frames A.F.R.A.S. AFRAS
AFRASEC Afrasia Afrasian Afrasians a freak of nature
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