put your hand in your pocket
put your head / neck on the block
put your heads together
put your money on sb/sth
put your money where your mouth is
put yourself in sb else's/sb's place
put yourself in sb's shoes
put yourself out (for sb)
put yourself/sb/sth in for sth
put yourself/sb↔forward
put yourself/sth over (to sb)
put yourself/sth↔across/over (to sb)
put yourself up for sth
put your shirt on sb/sth
put your shoulder to the wheel
put your thinking cap on
putz around
put(或give, set)one's mind to
put(或have)someone's ass in a sling
put(或have)the wind up
put(或lay)one's cards on the table
put(或lay)one's head (或neck)on the block
put (或place) a premium on
put(或set 或get) one's house in order
put(或set)one's hand to the plough
put(或set)pen to paper
put(或set)someone right
put (或set) someone's mind (或doubts 或fears) at rest
put(或set)something to rights
put(或set)spurs to
put(或set)the cat among the pigeons
put(或set)the record straight
put(或set)the seal on
put(或stick)one's oar in
put(或throw)someone off the scent
puzzle out
puzzle over
puzzle over/about sth
puzzle over sth
puzzle sth↔out
puzzle sth ↔ out
quake in your boots
quake like an aspen leaf
qualify for
quality newspapers / press etc
quality of life
quarrel with one’s bread and butter
quarrel with one’s own shade
quarrel with sb/sth
quarrel with sth
queen it over sb
queer in the head
queer sb's pitch
queer sb's pitch / queer the pitch for sb
queer someone's pitch
queer the pitch for
queer the pitch (for sb)
quench a fire / flames
quench your thirst
queue up
quick and dirty
quick fix
quick on the draw
quick on the trigger
quick/slow off the mark
quick with child
quids in
quietly confident
quietly / softly-spoken
quite a few
quite a few / a good few / not a few
quite a little
quite a lot / bit / few
quite a lot (of sth)
quite a lot(或a bit)
quite a / some time
quite a sth / quite some sth
quite a/the sth
quite a - (亦作〈常讽〉quite the -)
quite / quite so
quite right
quite some
quite some sth
quite something
quite the contrary
quite the little -
quite the thing
quit hold of
quit scores with
quote - unquote
quote (… unquote)
quote … unquote
quoth I / he / she etc
rabbit on
rabbit on (about sb/sth)
race / work / battle against time
rack off
rack one's brains
rack one’s wits about
rack something up
rack sth ↔ up
rack up
rack up sth
rack your brain(s)
rack your brains
rack (或wrack) one's brains (或brain)
rage for sth
rage (itself) out
rag on
rag on sb
ragtag and bobtail
rail against
rail at
rail in
rail off
win by a neck/nose
win / collect / take etc the wooden spoon
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