wind / air / water resistance
wind down
window of opportunity
window of vulnerability
windows of the soul
wind sb ↔ up
wind sb↔up
winds of change / freedom / public opinion etc
wind someone up
wind something up
wind sth↔down
wind sth ↔ down
wind sth ↔ up
wind sth↔up
wind up
wine and dine (sb)
wine and dine sb
win / earn / score etc brownie points
win/earn your spurs
wine / coal / timber etc merchant
wine / film / opera etc buff
wine / milk etc lake
wine of good body
wine, women, and song
wing it
wing its / their way
win in a walk
win in a walk/breeze
wink at
wink at sth
winkle sb / sth ↔ out
winkle sth out of sb
fill something in
fill something out
fill sth to the brim
fill sth↔in
fill sth ↔ out
fill sth↔out
fill sth↔up (with sth)
fill the bill
fill up
fill up the time
fill up (with sth)
fill with admiration
fill with dismay
fill (yourself) up
fill yourself (up) / fill your face
fill…in on
film over
filter sth ↔ ou
filter sth↔out
filthy dirty
filthy lucre
filthy rich
filthy weather / night / day
financial embarrassment
financially embarrassed
find access to
find against
find against sb
find a home for sth
find a way
find a way out
find comfort / pleasure / fulfilment etc in sth
finders keepers
finders keepers (losers weepers)
(find, etc.) a/the middle way
find expression in
find fault
find fault with
find fault (with sb/sth)
find fault with sb / sth
find favour
find favour in sb’s sight
find favour in the eyes of
find favour with
find favour (with sb / sth)
find favour with sb/find favour in
find for/against sb
find for sb
find for(或 find in favour of)
find / get religion
find/get the length of sb’s foot
find God
find in favour of
find it in one's heart/find it in oneself
find it in one's heart to do something
find it in one’s heart to(do)
find it in your heart / yourself to do sth
find it in your heart/yourself to do sth
find its mark / target
find its (own) level
find its way somewhere
find/meet your match (in sb)
find no account in
find no countenance in
find oneself
find oneself in the mire
find one's feet
find one's (own) level
find one’s account in
find one’s grave in
find one’s way into
find one’s way to
find out
find out (about sth/sb)
find out how the wind blows
find out sth (about sth/sb)
find quarrel in a straw
find sb out
find someone out
find something out(或 find out about something)
find the lady
find the trace of
find your feet
find your/its way (to/into…)
find yourself
find your tongue
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