on the hop
on the horizon
on the horn
on the horns of a dilemma
on the hour
on the house
on the increase
on the inside
on the inside track
on the instant
on the job
on the keen jump
on the knees of the gods
on the knocker
on the lam
on the latch
on the laugh
on the left hand of
on the level
on the line
on the listen
on the loaf
on the look
on the lookout
on the loose
on the lurk
on the make
on the map
on the march
on the margin(s)
on the mark
on the market
on the mat
on the mend
on the money
on the morrow of sth
on the mother’s/maternal side
on the motion of
on the move
on the nail
on the nail (〈北美〉亦作on the barrelhead)
on the never-never
on the nod
on the nose
on the occasion (of)
on the occasion of
on the occasion of sth
on the off chance
on the off-chance
on the off chance (that)
on (the) one hand
on the one hand...
(on the one hand…) on the other (hand)…
on the one part...
on the/one’s way
on the one(或the other)hand
on the open market
on the order of
on the other hand
on the other side of the fence
on the outs
on the outside
on the outside looking in
on the outs with
on the outs (with sb)
on the part of
on the part of sb/on sb's part
on the part of (或on my, their等part)
on the payroll
on the pig's back
on the plus side of the account
on the point of
on the port (或starboard) tack
on the premise of
on the premise that
on the pretence of
on the pretence that
on the principle of
on the prod
on the prowl
on the pull
on the q.t.
on the quiet
on the qui vive
on the rack
on the rails
on the rampage
on the rebound
on the right / hither side of
on the right side of
on the right track
on the right / wrong side of 30 / 40 etc
on the right/wrong side of 40, 50, etc.
on the right/wrong track
on the right (或wrong)track
on the rise
on the road
on the rocks
on the rope
on the ropes
on the ropes
on the run
on the rush
on the safe side
on the same page
on the same side of the fence
on the scent
on the scent (of sth)
on the score of
on the scrapheap
on the scrounge
on the sea
on the shady side of
on the shelf
on the sick
on the - side
on the side
on the sidelines
on the side of
on the side of the angels
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