on the skew
on the skids
on the slab
on the sly
on the small / high / heavy etc side etc
on the small side
on the spot
on the spree
on the spuare
on the spur of the moment
on the square
on the stage
on the statute book
on the stocks
on the streets
on the strength
on the strength of
on the strength of sth
on the string
on the stroke of
on the stroke of seven / nine etc
on the stump
on the sunny side of
on the supposition of
on the supposition that
on the surface
on the surface of
on the table
on the table
on the telephone
on (the) television
on the threshold of
on the tick
on the tiles
on the tip of one's tongue
on the tip of your tongue
on the tips of one’s toes
on the tongues of men
on the top of
on the town
on the track
on the track of
on the trot
on the turn
on the understanding that
on the understanding that…
on the up
on the up and up
on the upandup
on the upgrade
on the up grade
on the verge of
on the wagon
on the wallaby (track)
on the wane
on the warpath
on the watch
on the way
on the way out
on the whole
on the wing
on the wrong / right side of the law
on the wrong side of
on the wrong side of the door
on the wrong side of the hedge
on the wrong side of the law
on the wrong side of the tracks
on the wrong/thither side of
on the wrong track
on the/your doorstep
on the / your / its way
on the / your way out
on the (off) chance
on the(或its)way
on the(或one's)slate
on the(或one's)way
on the(或one's)way out
in the land of nod
(in) the land of the living
in the land of the living
in the lap of future
in the lap of luxury
in the lap of the gods
in (the) large
in the last analysis
in the last degree
in the last resort
in the least
in (the) light of
in the light of
in the light of sb’s countenance
in the light of sth
in the light of(或〈北美〉 in light of)
in the likeness of
in the line of duty
in the literal sense
in the long run
in the long run / term
in the long/short/medium term
in the loop
in the lump
in the main
in the make
in the making
in the manner of
in the manner of sb / sth
in the manner of sb/sth
in the market for sth
in the mass
in the matter of
in the meantime
in the mean time
in the meanwhile
in the melting pot
in the middle
in the middle of
in the middle of nowhere
in the middle of sth
in the midst of
in the midst of sth
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