flip sb ↔ off
flip someone the bird(或flip the bird)
flip sth↔over
flip through
flip through sth
flip your lid
flirt with sth
float about/around
float around
float before one’s eyes
float sb's boat
float someone's boat
float through life
float/walk on air
flog a dead horse
flog sth to death
flood sb↔out
flood sth with sth
flood the market
floor sb with one blow
floral tribute
flory counter-flory
flotation chamber / compartment etc
flotsam and jetsam
flower of the flock
flow from
flow from sth
fluent French / Japanese etc
flunk out
flunk out (of sth)
flushed with success / excitement / pleasure etc
flush from
flush sb/sth out (of sth)
flush sb/sth↔out
flush sb / sth ↔ out
flutter one's eyelashes
flutter the dovecotes
flutter the dovecotes (亦作 cause a flutter among the dovecotes)
flutter your eyelashes
flutter your eyelashes (at sb)
fly a kite
fly around
fly at
fly at higher game
fly at sb
fly at sb also fly into sb
(fly) by the seat of your pants
fly by the seat of your pants
fly/go off at a tangent
fly/go off the handle
fly/go out (of) the window
fly high
fly in the face of
fly in the face of sth
fly into
fly into a fury
fly into a passion
fly into a rage
fly into a rage, temper, etc.
fly into a rage / temper / panic etc
fly into a rage(或temper)
fly into a rapture
fly into a temper
fly off
fly off the handle
fly on the wall
fly out
fly/show/wave the flag
fly shy of
fly the coop
fly the flag
fly the nest
fly to sb’s arms
fly up
fly(或drive)by the seat of one's pants
foam at the mouth
foam at the mouth
foam off
foam with rage
fob off
fob sb ↔ off
fob sb↔off (with sth)
fob sth off on sb
focus on
focus sth on
foist sb/sth on/upon sb
foist sth on
foist sth on / upon
fold one's arms
fold one's hands
fold round
fold sb in your arms
fold sth into sth
fold sth↔in
fold sth ↔ in
fold up
fold your arms
fold your hands
folk medicine / remedy
folk science / psychology / wisdom etc
follow after
follow a pattern / course / trend etc
follow a profession / trade / way of life etc
follow in sb's footsteps
follow in sb’s steps
follow in someone's footsteps
follow in the cry
follow in the wake of
follow like sheep
follow on
follow one's nose
follow on from
follow on/upon the heels of
follow out
follow sb around
follow sb around/about
follow something through
follow something up
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