follow sth↔through
follow sth↔up
follow sth ↔ up
follow suit
follow the banner of
follow the herd / crowd
follow the lead of
follow the signs / sb's directions
follow the tracks of
follow through
follow through (with sth)
follow up
follow up the scent
follow your instincts / feelings / gut reaction etc
follow your nose
follow (或tread) in someone's footsteps
follow(或tread)in someone's steps
fomal education / training / qualifications
fondly imagine / believe / hope etc
fond of
food / butter etc mountain
food for mediation
food for reflection
food for thought
fool about
fool about/around
fool around
fool around also fool about
fool away
fool sb out of
fool's mate
fools rush in (where angels fear to tread)
fools rush in where angels fear to tread
fool with
fool with sth
fool yourself
football / baseball etc card
football / golf etc widow
football hooligan
foot in the door
foot passenger
foot pedal / brake / pump etc
foot soldier / patrol
foot the bill
for a certainty
for a certainty/for certain
for a change
for (a) countenance
rail / road / telephone etc link
rail sth in/off
rain cats and dogs
rain down
rain (down) blows / blows rain down
rain in
rain of sth
rain on sb's parade
rain on someone's parade
rain or shine
rain out
rain something off(或〈美〉out)
rainy day
rain(或come down in) stair rods
raise 2 / 4 / 10 etc to the power of 2 / 3 / 4 etc
raise a laugh
raise/ arise a hornets’ nest about one’s ears
raise a siege / embargo
raise a smile
raise a/your hand against/to sb
raise Cain
raise eyebrows
raise from death
raise hell
raise hell / Cain
raise hob
raise its (ugly) head
raise/lower the temperature
raise / lower the tone (of sth)
raise/lower your sights
raise one's eyebrows
raise (one's) eyebrows
raise one's eyebrows(或 an eyebrow)
raise one's glass
raise one's guard
raise one's hand
raise one's hat
raise one's voice
raise one's(或the)standard
raise one’s glass to
raise one’s hand against
raise one’s voice against
raise sb's hackles
raise (sb's) hopes
raise sb's profile
raise sb's spirits
raise sb to life
raise / sound the alarm
raise sth to sb/sth
raise/take off one’s hat to
raise the alarm
raise the bar
raise the devil
raise the heel against
raise the roof
raise the spectre of sth
raise/up the ante
raise your eyebrows
raise your eyebrows (at sth)
raise your glass
raise your glass (to sb)
raise your voice
raise(或lower)one's sights
rake and scrape
rake in sth
rake over (old) coals (或rake over the ashes)
rake over sth
rake over the past / old coals
rake sb over the coals
rake something in
rake something up/over
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