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on / upon one’s honour on/upon sb’s heels on / upon the hip on/upon the pretext of on / upon (the) production of sth
on velvet on view on/walking the streets onwards and upwards on what account
on wheels on which the sun never sets on wings on with on wrong lines
on your back on your bike on your bike! on your conscience on your feet
on your guard on your hands on your honour on your hunkers on your knees
on your life on your marks On your marks! on your mark(s), get set, go! on your marks, get set, go!
on your mettle on your mind on your own account on your own head be it on your (own) head be it
on your own terms on your Pat Malone on your / sb's mind on your/the/its way on your tod
on your uppers on(或 at 或 in)every corner on(或at)sight on (或by) foot on(或en)pointe
on(或from)the sidelines on(或off)camera on (或off) duty on(或off)someone's case on (或off) the air
on(或on to)all fours on(或quite)the contrary on(或to)one side on(或 under)pain of on(或upon)my honour
on (或upon) the gad on(或〈北美〉in)the cards on(或〈美〉in)heat oodles of sth op-ed page / article
open a gate for open a gate to open an account open-and-shut open a Pandora's box
open a window into/to open doors for sb open fire open fire on open fire (on sth)
opening salvo open into open into/onto sth open its doors open old wounds
open one's mind to open one's mouth open one’s mind/heart to open onto open onto / into sth
open on / upon open out open out (to sb) open sb's eyes open sb's eyes (to sth)
open sb’s eyes to open season (on sb) open sesame open slather open someone's eyes
open something up open sth↔up open the batting open the door to (open) the door to sth
open the door / way to sth open the floodgates open the way for sb/sth (to do sth) open tne door open to
open to criticism open to dispute open to doubt open-toed sandals / shoes open to offers
open to reason open to sth open/uncover one’s heart to open up open up (to sb)
open weave / texture open your heart (to sb) open your mind (to sth) open your mouth open your/sb's eyes (to sth)
open your/sb's mind to sth opera / court / movie etc house operate as sth operate on opportunity knocks
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