come over (all) faint, dizzy, giddy, etc.
come over (all) shy / nervous etc
come over dizzy
come over funny
come over queer
come over sb
come over (to sth)
come over (to…)
come over (to…) (from…)
come rain, come shine
(come) rain or shine
come right
come right out with sth / come right out and say sth
come / roll / jerk / skid etc to a stop
come round
come round/around
come round (to sth)
come running
come sb's way
come short
come short of
come / spring to mind
come/spring to mind
come (sth) through
come straight to the point
come straight to the question
come the -
come the heavy swell over
come the old soldier over
come the uncle over
come through
come through (sth)
come through (with sth)
come through with sth
come to
come to a bad end
come to a climax
come to a conclusion
come to a crisis
come to a decision
come to a decision / conclusion / agreement etc
come to a full stop
come to a grinding halt
come to a halt
come to a halt / stop
come to a head
come to an agreement with
come to anchor
come to an end
come to an explanation with
come to an understanding
come to an untimely end
come to a period
come to a pretty pass
come to a pretty/sad/strange pass
come to a pretty / sorry pass
come to a stand/standstill
come to a sticky end
come to a stop
come to bay
come to/be the same thing
come to bits
come to blows
come to blows (over sth)
come to blows(with)
come to blows (with sb)
come to do sth
come to fame
come to fruition
come together
come to grief
come to grips with
come to hand
come to harm
tie sb down (to sth/to doing sth)
tie sb in knots
tie sb/yourself (up) in knots
tie sb↔up
tie someone down
tie someone hand and foot
tie someone up
tie someone (up) in knots
tie something in(或tie in)
tie something up
tie sth↔in (with sth)
tie sth↔off
tie sth↔up
tie the knot
tie up
tie up loose ends
tie yourself (up) in knots
tighten one's belt
tighten the screw
tighten the screws (on sb)
tighten up
tighten up (on sth)
tighten your belt
tighten your grip / hold on sth
tighten (或loosen) the purse strings
tightly / loosely / densely packed
tight spot
till doomsday
till the cows come home
till this day
till / until Doomsday
till / until further notice
till/until kingdom come
till / until now
till/until then
till (或until) death us do part
till(或until)kingdom come
tilt at
tilt at sb/sth
tilt at sb / sth
tilt at sth
tilt at windmills
time after time
time after time / time and time again
time after time (亦作time and again或time and time again)
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