come to that(或if it comes to that)
come to the boil
come to the conclusion that
come to the fore
come to the front
come to the ground
come to the point
come to the push
come to the rescue
come to the same thing
come to the / sb's rescue
come to the scratch
come to the top
come to think of it
come to think of it / come to that
come to this
come to yourself
come to(或 meet)a sticky(或 bad)end
come true
come tumbling down
come, turn, etc. full circle
come / turn up trumps
come under
come under attack / fire / scrutiny etc
come under sth
come under the hammer
come under the knife
come unglued
come unstuck
come up
come up against
come up against a blank wall
come up against sb/sth
come up against sth / sb
come up against(或 hit)a brick wall
come up dry
come up for discussion / examination / review etc
come up for election / re-election / selection etc
come up for sth
come up in the world
come upon
come upon sb/sth
come upon sb / sth
come up/out of sth smelling of roses
come up roses
come up short
come up smiling
come up to
come up (to sb)
come up to sth
come up to sth / sb
come up to the mark
come up (to…)
come up (to…) (from…)
come up/turn up trumps
come up with
come up with sth
come up with the goods
come up with the goods / deliver the goods
come up with(或deliver)the goods
come up (或be given) with the rations
come up(或go down)in the world
come up(或out)smelling of roses
come what may
come within a whisker (of doing) sth
(come / work etc) under the umbrella of sth
come your way
come(或appear 或arrive)on the scene
come(或fall)apart at the seams
come(或get)to grips with
come (或get)unstuck
come(或go)over big
come(或go)under the hammer
come(或play)the old soldier
come(或spring)to mind
come(或turn)full circle
come(或turn)up trumps
comfortably off
coming and going(或comings and goings)
coming from him / her / you etc
comings and goings
command of sth
commend itself (to sb)
commend me to
commend oneself/itself to
commend sb on
comment on/upon
commercial break
commercial radio / TV / channel etc
commit adultery
commit/make an offence against
commit oneself to
commit sb to
commit sth to memory
commit sth to paper
commit sth to sb’s care
commit sth to the flames
commit sth to writing
commit suicide
commit to
common courtesy / decency / politeness
common ground
common knowledge
common-law marriage / husband / wife
common or garden
common practice
common property
common touch
commune with nature
commune with sb/sth
commune with sb / sth
communicate with
commute a sentence (to sth)
commute sth for / into sth
comparable with/to
comparative beginner / newcomer etc
comparative comfort / freedom / wealth etc
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