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freeze over freeze sb ↔ out freeze sb↔out (of sth) freeze someone out freeze up
freeze your blood fresh air fresh blood freshen up freshen up
freshen yourself up fresh from school fresh from sth fresh from the countryside fresh in sb’s memory/mind
freshly ground / picked / made etc fresh-made / fresh-cut / fresh-grated etc fresh out of sth fresh water Friend
friendly fire Friendship cannot stand always on one side. friends in high places frig about(或around) frighten sb into
frighten sb into(doing sth) frighten sb into sth/into doing sth frighten sb out of(doing sth) frighten sb/sth away from sth frighten sb/sth↔away/off
frighten sb / sth ↔ off frighten sb ↔ away frighten/scare sb out of his wits/ frighten/scare sb to death frighten / scare / terrify sb out of their wits
frighten/scare the life out of sb frighten / scare the life out of sb frighten/scare the (living) daylights out of sb frighten the life out of fritter sth ↔ away
fritter sth↔away (on sth) Frog From from above from abroad
from a child from afar from age to age from all accounts from all angles
from all sides from among from apart (from) April to June inclusive / 15 to 20 inclusive etc from a sense of duty
from A to B from A to Izzard from A to Z from bad to worse from before
from begining to end from beginning to end from behind from below from between
from betwixt from beyond from cellar to garret from cellar to rafter from cover to cover
from cover to cover from cradle to crutch from dawn to dusk from day one from day to day
from day to day / from minute to minute etc from day to day (或hour to hour etc.) from disuse (from) door to door from end to end
from everlasting to everlasting from every quarter from far and near from far away from father to son
from first to last from generation to generation from hand to hand from hand to mouth from head to foot
from head to foot/toe from head to toe(或foot) - from hell from hell from high
from house to house from hub to tire from lack of (from) left to right from little up
from long ago from memory from morning till night from mouth to mouth from nature
from now on from now (或then等) on from off from of old from one day to the next
from one’s heart from one’s teeth from on high from/on the wrong side of the tracks from ... onwards
from out of from out to out from pillar to post from place to place from place to place / house to house etc
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