shot through with
shot through with sth
shot to pieces (或to hell)
shoulder arms
shoulder one’s way through
shoulder the responsibility / blame / cost / burden etc
shoulder to shoulder
shoulder to shoulder (with sb)
shoulder your way through / into etc
should / ought really
shout down
shout, etc. sth from the rooftops
shouting match
shout in pain / anger / frustration etc
shout sb down
shout sb↔down
shout sb ↔ down
shout something from the housetops
shout something from the rooftops
shout sth from the rooftops
shout sth↔out
shout sth ↔ out
shout the odds
shout with glee
shove around
shove it
shovel sth into / onto sth
shove off
shove sth under the carpet
shove up
shove up / over
show a clean pair of heels
show a leg!
show apathy to/towards
show appreciation of
show aptitude for
show a sign of
show cause
show consideration for
show contempt for
show deference to
show discrimination in
shower praises on
show evidence of
show facility in
show familiarity with
show finesse in
show forbearance in
show forbearance towards
show generosity in
show in/out
show mercy to
show me the money
show much feeling for
show off
show of force
show of hands
show one's cards
show one's face
show one's hand
show one's teeth
show one's true colours
show out
show round
show (sb) a clean pair of heels
show sb around/round (sth)
show sb in
show sb in a good / bad etc light
show sb into
show sb/know/learn the ropes
show sb out of
show sb over
show sb round
show sb/sth up
show sb/sth↔off
show sb the door
show (sb) who's boss
show sb who's boss
show sb ↔ up
show sb↔up
show / see sb to the door
show signs of wear
show someone round (或〈主北美〉around)
show someone the door
show someone/thing off
show someone/thing up
show someone up
show someone who's boss
show something forth
show sth to (good / great) advantage
show sth ↔ off
show sth↔off
show sth ↔ up
show sth↔up
show/take/a fair/light pair of heels
show the flag
show the way
show the white feather
show thought for
show through
show through sth
show undue favour to
show up
show willing
show your face
show your hand
show your hand/cards
show your paces
show (someone) a clean pair of heels
shred of sth
shrink from
shrink from sth
shrink into oneself
shrink on
shrug off
shrug sb/sth off/away
shrug sth off/aside
shuck sth ↔ off
shudder at sth
shuffle off
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