shuffle off this mortal coil
shuffle up
shuffle your feet
shut away
shut / close the door on sth
shut / close the stable door after the horse has bolted
shut/close your ears to sth
shut/close your eyes to sth
shut down
shut down
shut down on/upon
shut down(或shut something down)
shut in
shut off
shut off(或shut something off)
shut oneself off
shut one's eyes/ears to
shut one's eyes to
shut one's mind to
shut out
shut out sb
shut sb out
shut sb / sth away
shut sb/sth off from sth
shut sb/sth up (in sth)
shut sb/sth↔away
shut sb / sth ↔ out
shut sb/sth↔out (of sth)
shut (sb) up
shut sb up
shut sb/yourself in (sth)
shut sb ↔ down
shut/slam the door in sb's face
shut someone/thing in
shut someone/thing out
shut something off
shut something up
shut sth in sth
shut sth in the door / drawer etc
shut sth out
shut sth↔down
shut sth ↔ off
shut sth↔off
shut sth ↔ out
shut sth ↔ up
shut sth↔up
shut the door on(或to)
shut the stable door after the horse has bolted
shut up
shut up!
shut up one’s mouth/face/head
shut up shop
shut up(或shut someone up)
shut your eyes / ears to sth
shut your face(或mouth 或trap)!
shut your mouth/face!
shut your mouth / face / trap!
shut yourself away
shut yourself in (sth)
shut yourself off
shut yourself off (from sth)
shut your trap!
shut (或bolt)the stable door after the horse has bolted
shy at
shy away (from sth)
shy away from sth
shy away/off
shy of
sibling rivalry
sic 'em!
sick and tired of
sick as a parrot
sick at heart
sickening thud / crash / sound etc
sicken of sth
sick of
sick sth↔up
sick sth ↔ up
sick to death of
sick to one's stomach
sick to your stomach
sic sth on sb
take someone aback
take someone at their word
take someone back
take someone down a peg or two
take someone for a ride
take someone in
take someone in hand
take someone in rear
take someone into one's confidence
take someone off
take someone on
take someone or something for granted
take someone out
take someone out of themselves
take someone's advice
take someone's breath away
take someone's name in vain
take someone's point
take someone's word (for it)
take someone's(或one's own)life
take someone/thing by surprise
take someone/thing out
take someone/thing seriously
take someone to law
take someone to task
take someone to the cleaners
take someone to the woodshed
take someone up
take someone up on
take something amiss
take something apart
take something as read
take something away
take something back
take something by storm
take something down
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