check with
check you
cheek by jowl
cheek by jowl with
cheek by jowl (with sb / sth)
cheek by jowl (with sb/sth)
cheek to cheek
cheer on
cheer sb/sth↔up
cheer sb↔on
cheer sb ↔ on
cheer sth ↔ up
cheer to the echo
cheer up
cheese it!
cheese / jam / cream etc puff
chew on sth
chew on/upon
chew over
chew sb out
chew sb ↔ out
chew someone out
chew (someone's) ass
chew something over
chew something up
chew sth↔over
chew sth ↔ over
chew sth ↔ up
chew the cud
chew the fat
chew the fat(或rag)
chew the rag
chew the scenery
chew up
chicken out
chicken out (of sth/of doing sth)
chicken / seafood etc platter
chief cook and bottle washer
chief cook and bottle-washer
childbearing age / years
children should be seen and not heard
child's play
chilled / frozen / shocked etc to the marrow
chilled to the marrow
chill out
chill someone's blood
chime in
chime in with
chime (in) with sth
chime in (with sth)
chime with
chip away
chip away at sth
chip in
chip in (with sth)
chip in(或chip something in)
chip off
chip sth↔off
choke a horse
choke down
choke off sth
choke out
choke out sth
choke sb up
choke something down
choke sth↔back
choke sth ↔ back
choke sth↔down
choke sth↔off
choke sth ↔ out
choke sth ↔ up
choke up
chomp at the bit
choose A before B
(choose, follow, take, etc.) the line of least resistance
choose/follow the line of least resistance
chop about
chop and change
chop at sth
chop (away) at sth
chop logic
chop sth↔down
chop sth ↔ down
chop sth ↔ off
chop sth↔off (sth)
chosen few
chosen people
chow down
chow down(或chow something down)
Christmastide / eveningtide / morningtide etc
chronic alcoholic / gambler etc
chronological age
chuck it all in(或up)
chuck it down
chuck sb off
chuck sb off (sth)
chuck sb out (of sth)
chuck sb / sth ↔ out
chuck sb under the chin
chuck someone out
chuck sth↔away
chuck sth ↔ away
chuck sth ↔ in
chuck sth↔out
chuck up(或chuck something up)
chuck yourself off sth
chump chop / steak
churn sb / sth up
churn something out
churn sth↔out
churn sth ↔ out
churn sth ↔ up
circle the wagons
circular argument / logic / reasoning
circumstances alter cases
citizen of the world
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