luck out
lucky devil (或lucky you, her, 等)
lucky / lazy / cheeky etc beggar
lucky / unfortunate etc enough to be / do sth
lucky up
lucky you / me etc
lucky you, me, etc.
lull sb into sth
lump it
lurch from one crisis / extreme etc to another
lust after
lust after / for
lust after/for sb/sth
luxuriate in sth
M6 / M25 etc
Madam President / Ambassador etc
made do (with, without)
made in heaven
made of money
made to measure
made to order
made up of
mad keen
mad keen (on sth/sb)
magic circle
magic moment
magic number / word
magic sb / sth away
magic sth ↔ up
magic touch
magnetic / gravitational / force field
magnetic personality / charm etc
magnify oneself against
maiden flight / voyage
maiden speech
mail sth↔out
mail sth ↔ out
mains gas / water / electricity
major in
major in sth
majority stake / shareholding etc
majority vote / decision / verdict etc
major on sth
make a bargain with(over sth)
make a bee
make a beeline for
make a beeline for sb / sth
make a beeline for sth/sb
make a better, good, poor, etc. fist of sth
make a bet with
make a big deal of / out of / about sth
make a big thing of / about / out of sth
make a (big) thing of/about sth
make a (big) thing of (或about)
make a boast of
make a bolt for
make a bolt for it
make a bolt for sth
make a bomb
make a boss of
make a breach in
make a break for
make a break for it
make a break for sth
make a break for sth/for it
make a cat’s paw of
make a charge against
make a clean breast of
make a clean breast of it
make a clean breast of it / things
make a clean breast of something
make a clean breast of something(或make a clean breast of it)
make a clean breast of sth
make a clean job of something
make a clean sweep
make a clean sweep of
make a clean sweep (of sth)
make a clutch at
make a concession to
make a conquest of
make a contract with
make a contrast to/with
make a corner in
make a dash for
make a day / night / evening of it
make a day of it
make a day (或night) of it
make a dead set at
make a denial of
make a dent in
make a description of
make a difference
make a difference between
make a display of
make a dive for
make a dive (for sth)
make a dog's breakfast of sth
make a drama out of
make a drama out of sth
make a face
make a fast/quick buck
make a feast on / upon
make a feature of
make a feint of
make a fight of it
make a - fist of(或at)
make a fool/ass of oneself
make a fool of
make a fool of sb
make a fool of yourself
make a fortune
make a friend of
make after
make a fuss
make a fuss about/over
make a fuss / kick up a fuss (about sth)
make a fuss of
make a fuss of/over sb
make a fuss over(或〈 英〉of)
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