city / local / country boy
city / town / cave etc dweller
Civvy Street
claim sth↔back
claim to fame
clamber to one’s feet
clamour for
clamour sb into (doing sth)
clamp down
clamp down on
clamp down (on sb/sth)
clamp sanctions / restrictions etc on sb
clamp sth on sb
clam up
clam up (on sb)
clap eyes on
clap eyes on sb / sth
clap hold of
clap/lay/set eyes on sb/sth
clap on
clap sb in prison / jail / irons
clap someone in jail(或irons)
clap something on
clap (或 lay, set) eyes on
clarion call
clasp hands
class act
class A(或B, C)drug
classified, classifying, classifies
clatter along
claw something back
claw sth↔back
claw sth ↔ back
claw your way
claw your way back, into sth, out of sth, to sth, etc.
clean bill of health
clean copy
clean down
clean hands
clean house
clean one's plate
clean out
clean sb out
clean sb / sth out
clean sb/sth out
clean sheet / slate
clean someone out
clean someone's clock
clean something up
clean sth off/from sth
clean sth↔down
clean sth↔off
clean sth ↔ out
clean sth↔out
clean sth ↔ up
clean sth↔up
clean up
clean up one's act
clean up your act
clean your plate
clean (yourself) up
clean your teeth
clear a debt / loan
clear away
clear for action
clear of
clear off
clear one's lines
clear one's throat
clear out
clear out (of…)
clear / pave / open / prepare etc the way (for sth)
clear something out
clear something up
clear sth of
clear sth off
clear (sth through) customs
clear sth up
clear sth↔away
clear sth ↔ away
clear sth↔out
clear sth↔up
clear the air
clear the decks
clear the name of
clear the skirts of
clear the way
clear the way for
clear the way for sth
clear the way (for sth/for sth to happen)
clear up
clear up
clear your head / mind
clear your throat
cleave the air / darkness etc
cleave to
cleave to sb / sth
clench your fists / teeth / jaw etc
Clerk of the Closet
clerk of the course
clerk of (the) works
clever at
clever clogs / dick
click into place
click one's fingers
clicks and mortar
click through (to sth)
click your tongue
climb down
climb down (over sth)
climb / jump / get on the bandwagon
climb/jump on the bandwagon
low man on the totem pole
low pitched roof
loyal to
luck is on sb's side
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