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短语 make much of
释义 make much oflay much emphasis on 特别强调   * The report made much of the fact that there had not been enough cooperation among the department heads. 该报告强调各部门负责人没有尽力合作。   * He makes much of his upperclass background when you talk to him. 当你同他谈话时,他总是强调他上流社会的家庭背景。   * Don't make too much of Sally's harsh manner;she's really quite gentle one you get to know her. 别太计较萨利粗暴的态度,一旦你了解她,就会知道她实际上是一个相当温和的人。make much of1.重视:Our chief engineer made much of the opinions of everyone of us,he summed them up and studied them.我们的总工程师重视我们每个人的意见,把这些意见汇总起来加以研究。2.充分利用:Paul makes much of his knowledge about science and writes some books on popular science at his leisure.保罗充分利用他的科学知识,在闲暇时写了一些科普书籍。3. 明了;理解: Through explanation he made much of our intentions and promised to help us.经过解释,他明了了我们的意图,答应要帮助我们。




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